Mobile Computing Tips using Windows 8.1

1. How do you access a folder hidden on the network?

type \\computer’name\foldername$                                           example \\SummersPC\Document$

2. How do you access Shared Folders?

Open any Explorer window, / the navigation pane shows        Network heading, / click its triangle, / (network discovery must be turned ON on both computers), / d.Click the computer  whose files you want to open, / turn On ‘Remember my credentials’, /OK. To create a shortcut, / r.Click and drag the item to the desktop, / release mouse, /choose ‘Create shortcut here

3. How do you access your Windows 8.1 PC from a Windows 7 / Vista machine?

Choose Start, / Network, / your computer should appear.  From XP machine Choose Start, / My Network Places

4. How do you access your Windows 8.1 PC from a MAC?

In the Sidebar of any Finder window in the Shared category, / open the workgroup icon, / d.Click the name of the computer you want, /enter the PC’s account and password

5. How do you access a shared folder using Universal Naming Convention?

In the address bar of any folder window type (for example) :   \\laptop\shareddocument\whattheysaid    Enter  NOTE:in this case ‘laptop’ is the computer name

6. How do you map a drive letter to a disk or folder?

In any Explorer window, /click Computer in the left navigation pane, / in Ribbon, /Computer tab, / click ‘Map network drive’ from dropdown list choose unused drive letter / type UNC name or choose from dropdown list / to use this letter assignment turn ON ‘Reconnect at sign-in’, / Finish

7. How do you share a DVD from a Windows PC on the network?

From the PC with the DVD, / press WinKey E, / r.Click the DVD drive, / from menu ‘Share with’, / Advanced sharing click here, / name the drive,/ OK, / Close. THEN on a tablet or laptop, / press WinKey E for Computer window, / at left click Network, / d.Click home Computer, / d.Click the shared drive.            Recommended:map a drive as shown in # 6 above

8. How do you access Mobility Center?

Press Winkey X or r.Click Start button choose its name, OR open Start type mobility, /select Settings, / in results click Windows Mobility Center


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Why it is Logically Impossible for the Messiah to be ‘Fully God’

}{                   The scientific method is the means that mankind has to arrive at proof of any hypothesis. The first step in the process is asking a question. The response to this step is to begin background research which collects data. Once sufficient data is acquired it becomes possible to construct an hypothesis which is tested by logic or an experiment. Analyzing the results allows a conclusion to be drawn  to determine whether the hypothesis is true or false.  The question addressed here is whether ‘The Messiah is fully God.’ Part of the preliminary background research must first define what is meant by God.  God is characterized by having the unlimited capacity to be ‘all knowing’, compassionate and merciful as well as ‘all powerful.’ Reports regarding the Messiah, Yahushua, indicate that he came to the attention of the public principally due to his ability to perform miraculous healing events. Any discussion must accept what written record is available as factual. He had appeared as an adult in synagogues where it is reported that he claimed to fulfill prophecies that would be a salvation to the jewish nation.His mother is reported to have received a revelation from Gabriel and the holy spirit resulting in what is termed the immaculate conception; pregnancy with no earthly father. These events would not proof the Messiah was fully God although a case here could be argued that the Messiah was unique among mankind. The first human, Adam was created with neither male nor female parentage; also a unique occurrence.
}{                    It is reported that the Messiah became hungry after fasting which would seem unlikely for a life ‘fully God’, but the perception of hunger would certainly be within the realm of the capacities of a god. Many scriptures indicate that among the attributes of God is one of  goodness. Within the scope of this hypothesis the accepance of the notion that God is good, will be by definition agreed upon. If God is less than good, it is assumed that being ‘fully God’ is of no particular relevance and this exercise would have essentially no point. It will also be assumed that God has foreknowledge. This is based on the numerous scriptures which claim God is ‘all-knowing’ and understands the end from the beginning.
}{                    Another premise accepted at face value is the notion that a significant character flaw would constitute a deficiency disqualifying any candidate vying to be considered ‘fully God.’ The presumption is that having foreknowledge would allow, even require, a ‘full God’ to take preemptive action and so no character flaw would or could ever develop. As the messiah was growing up extensive reports of his activities are non existent. While it would seem that being in the presence of God would attract significant attention it would be difficult to guarantee that this would absolutely be the case, so the absence of any attention is not considered of particular value. Before the birth of the Messiah the instructions know as the Ten Commandments was distributed among the people who were the ancestors of Yahushua. Having originated with God these commands define expectations of approved and required behaviors. The full list is easily acquired so they will not all be enumerated here. High on the list however is a clear command which is translated into english and simply states, ‘Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.’This command was well known and in fact was recognized as the first to include a promise and reward when followed and put into practice.
}{                    The New Testament records no specific activities for Yahushua until he was twelve years old. Then in Luke 2 verses 40 through 52 it is recorded that: ‘the child grew and became strong; he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was on him. Every year Jesus’ parents went to Jerusalem for the Festival of the Passover. When he was twelve years old, they went up to the festival, according to the custom. After the festival was over, while his parents were returning home, the boy Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem, but they were unaware of it. Thinking he was in their company, they traveled on for a day. Then they began looking for him among their relatives and friends. When they did not find him, they went back to Jerusalem to look for him. After three days they found him in the temple courts, sitting among the the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions. Everyone who heard him was amazed at his understanding and his answers. When his parents saw him, they were astonished. His mother said to him, “Son, why have you treated us like this? Your father and I have been anxiously searching for you.”  He asked, “Why were you searching for me?  Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?” But they did not understand what he was saying to them.
}{                    An entity that was ‘fully God’ would know the capacity of the audience he was speaking to and could easily address them in a way that was clearly understandable. This episode illustrates a rather unfortunate shortcoming. Regardless of the society, it is not befitting for a dependent to vex his parents. Anywhere on earth a child is taught to show respect for his parents. Had the messiah had awareness or understanding due to divine attributes he would have demonstrated them here. In fact had he simply been a reasonably conscientious son he would have not let the sun set without making a concerted effort to contact his parents and in some way let them know that he was safe. There is no excuse for the parents’ oversight and really no excuse for a boy twelve years of age. If we acknowledge however that ‘boys will be boys’ and that the notion that in some way he was ‘fully God’ is a baseless assertion then, his actions can be forgiven even though not excused. Is it still possible that the messiah could be ‘fully God?’ It is not possible for the messiah to be ‘fully God’ in any logical sense. Considering his behavior, for the messiah to be ‘fully God’; God must then be inconsiderate, remarkably self-centered, rather thoughtless and occasionally less dependable than a number of human beings. If all of this were the case, God would only be relevant because He would still have the power to extend life, but for no other admirable purpose. While it may remain theoretically possible for the messiah to be ‘fully God’, in the absence of other considerations, these factors would indicate that it is logically impossible for him to be so.  And in fact this conclusion is consistent with a description of the Messiah as the ‘second Adam’ which is found in New Testament scriptures. It would appear that the belief or assumption that the Messiah could be ‘fully God’ did not consider or was unaware that data proving the conclusion demonstrated here, and a contrary conclusion would depend on factors and data yet to be discovered, presented or available.

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Religion for Accountants; Dollars & Sense

Some have already observed how quickly the days pass in Ramadan; the month of fasting from before dawn till the setting of the sun. In the northern hemisphere it has be a hot one with long days. On an odd numbered night during the last ten days of the month a ‘night of power’ will occur. This night is described as better that a thousand months. Those words alone should be enough to indicate the significance of the night, but further consideration reveals value in additional ways.
Among the companions of the Prophet Mohammad were those who were old enough to realize they were aproaching the end of their life. They had heard that some of the eternal rewards of paradise would depend on the value of good deeds accomplished in this lifetime. They spoke among themselves and concluded that the young Muslims had the rest of a long life time to accomplish good deeds and great rewards; whereas the eldest had virtually no time left and would face eternity ill prepared, perhaps burdened by sin and with but little hope of honor or acceptance by God.
The description of the ‘night of power’ as preserved in the Koran equates to a length of time of 83 and 1/3 years; actually more because the words say ‘that night is better than 1,000 months’. While a lot of people do not live as long and many live longer 83 years is considered a lengthly life span. Additionally, our society world wide has become greatly focused on material value so even in religious matters monatary value is often considered above all else. In US dollars if an individual works starting at the age of maturity until close to the end of his life his likely potential earning is significant, and is not difficult to approximate. If a person worked 55 years earning the equivalent of $22,000 a year with no raises during his lifetime he would earn almost one and a quarter million dollars.
How much of this might be spent directed to good works is harder to guess, but the potential is clearly significant. The elder Muslims at the time of Mohammad would have used a different medium of exchange but it is not difficult to see their distress at hoping to complete with good works at their advanced age and having only a few years or less to build additional favor with Allah.
This was their concern when they came to Mohammad and inquired whether their eternal condition would be influenced by their earthy accomplishments. When Mohammad confirmed that this was the case, their distress was only heightened. As they were departing Mohammad replied that perhaps this was not the end of the story and that they should rememeber the conversation and bring up the subject again.
Soon thereafter the verses regarding the night of power was revealed and an unsurpassed opportunity was presented by Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. What had been regarded as clearly impossible could now, with a little timely effort be achieved: an entire lifetime of accomplishments, valued in excess of a million dollars completed in a single night.
Within a small number of weeks this momentous night will again arrive. For some millions of people this will be the last chance; they will meet death before next year’s Ramadan arrives. It is likely many will miss this final opportunity but some will make the most this chance of a lifetime.
The final day of ones life is unpredictable but the young always believe there is plenty of time until that final day. Missing the ‘night of power’ should not considered a casual loss whether a second chance or many more chances present themselves in the years to come. The value of the this night truly should not be considered in
monetary terms but its only those terms that will give some of us pause to think of its worth. Missing this night represents the loss of a million dollar deposit or more. And actually it is much more of a significant loss because its value is not in the temporary dollars and cents of this world, but a loss of millions that will never lose value, never require preservation and never decline in value. Yes another ‘night of power’ may be available if you live that long but this night in Ramadan 2013 will never come again. Miss it and perhaps miss millions.

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Beginning the Short Story of Abraham

Abraham knew not whether he had slept this night.  Each dark moment had seemed to linger longer than the one before until time had seemed oddly to come to a stop. Still he remained convinced that the day was again approaching. No clue accompanied his conviction. The sky itself was black without hint of dawn.  The moon had either already set or clouds were obscuring it. There were sufficient stars though, but they provided only murky light. His wife Sarah was quite asleep.

Having avoided what he thought was certain death many years ago, he now felt that death would be the victor today. He was certain that he had been on the side of God for such a long time, and he was so disoriented that he put away thoughts of turning back. Or rather he knew that he would not turn back even though in fact that was the only thought he held.
He paused to reflect another moment, thinking how fast time could pass even when one might expect to live over two hundred years. Of course that was not much considering his great, great, great, great, great-grandfather lived some four hundred and sixty four years, wasn’t it?
None of the other greats had made it much past two hundred years but at less than half that, he felt old as death. God giveth and God taketh away and He works in mysterious ways.
It seemed like only yesterday, well maybe a few days before that, that Abram, as he was then called, had asked his father and his people, ‘What is that which you worship?’
They replied, ‘We worship these idols and pray to them with full devotion.’
‘Do they hear you when you call on them?’ he asked. ‘Can they help you or do you fear that they may cause you some harm?’
They replied, ‘This is what our fathers did before us.’
‘Then you and your fathers are in extreme error.’ He whispered to his father. ‘Will you worship idols as your gods? Surely you and all these people are in palpable error.’
When the night had pressed its shadow over him, he saw a star. ‘That,’ he said, ‘will be my god.’ But as it faded in the light of morning he said, ‘I will not worship gods that fade.’
When he beheld the rising moon, he said, ‘There is my god.’ But when it set he said, ‘If my Lord does not guide me I shall surely go astray.’
So when he beheld the sun shining, he said, ‘That must be the god, it is the greatest.’
But then it set and he announced to his people, ‘I disown your idols. I will turn my face to Him who created the heavens and the earth, and I will live a righteous life. I am no idolater.’
He said to his father and the people, ‘What are these images that you show such devotion? Would your serve false gods instead of God? What do you think of the Lord of the Universe?’
He said, ‘Do you see those which you have worshipped, you and your forefathers? They are my enemies, not the Lord of the Universe who created me, provides me guidance, food and drink; Who when I am sick restores me, Who will cause me to die and bring me back to life hereafter, and Who I trust will forgive me my sins on the Day of Judgment.’
To his father he said, ‘Why do you serve a worthless idol, a thing that cannot hear or see? Father, things you know nothing about have come to my knowledge, so heed me that I may be able to guide you to the straight path.
‘Father, do not worship Satan, for Satan has rebelled against the Most Merciful.’

Abraham ~ cont. A Short Story

When his people had argued with him he said, ‘Will you argue with me about God, who has granted me guidance? I do not fear your idols, unless my Lord so willed. My Lord has knowledge of all things. Will you ignore all warnings? And why should I fear your idols when you are not afraid of serving idols never sanctioned by God? Which of us is more likely to find salvation? Tell me if you are certain of the truth. Those with faith who do not taint their faith with wrongdoing shall surely achieve salvation, for they follow the right path.’
He said to the people, ‘Serve God and fear Him. That would be best for you, if you only knew it. You worship idols besides God and fabricate illusion. Those whom you serve besides God cannot give you your daily bread. So seek the bounty of God, and worship Him. Give thanks to Him, for to Him you will return.
‘If you deny me, other societies before you also denied their apostles. An apostle’s only duty is to give clear warning.’
‘Is this the truth you keep preaching,’ they asked, ‘or is it but a jest?’
‘Indeed,’ he answered, ‘your Lord is the Lord of the heavens and the earth. It was he who made them as I bear witness. By the Lord, I will overthrow all your idols as soon as you turn your backs.’
Their prompt reply was, ‘Kill him,’ and ‘Burn him.’
He raised his eyes to the stars and said, ‘I am sick.’ And his people turned their backs and went off.
When he stole away to their idols he spoke to them saying, ‘Why not eat your offerings? Can you not speak?’ With that he fell upon them, striking them down with his right hand. He broke them all in pieces, except their supreme god, so that they might consult with him.
‘Who has done this to our deities?’ they asked. ‘He must surely be a wicked man.’
Others said, ‘We know the youth Abraham derides them.’
They responded, ‘Let us all confront him face to face with them as witnesses.’
The people came running to the scene. He said, ‘Would you worship what you created with your own hands, when it was God who created you and all that you have made?’
‘Abraham,’ they said, ‘was it you who did this to our deities?’
‘No,’ he replied. ‘It was their chief who struck them. Ask them, if they are prepared to speak.’
Thus they were prompted to confer among themselves and argued among themselves, ‘You are clearly the ones who did wrong.’ Confounded though they were they said to Abraham, ‘You know they cannot speak.’
He answered, ‘So would you worship them, instead of God, when they can neither help nor harm you? Shame on your idols and on you. Have you just no sense?’
They replied, ‘Build a pyre and avenge our gods when we toss him into the blazing flames since we must punish him.’
He thought, ‘I will take refuse with my Lord; He will give me guidance. Lord, grant me a righteous son.’
‘Fire be cool to Abraham, even keep him safe,’ and from the flames, God delivered him. Surely in this were signs for true believers. He said, ‘You have chosen idols instead of God but your love of them will last only in this shallow life. On the Day of Resurrection you shall disown one another, and you shall curse yourselves. The Fire shall be your home and none shall help you.’
He along with his two brothers and his wife Sarai as she was then known left Ur with Terah his father and settled in Harran.
‘I fear, father, that a scourge will befall you from the Lord of Mercy and you will become one of Satan’s host.’
He replied, ‘Do you still renounce my gods, Abram? Desist, or I will stone you. Be gone from my house this instant.’
‘Peace be with you,’ said Abram, ‘I shall implore my Lord to forgive you, for to me He has been gracious. For myself I will not live with you or with your idols. I will pray to my Lord, per chance my prayers to my Lord may not be in vain.’
There his father, known by the name Azar died at the age of two hundred and five. The Lord spoke to Abram saying, ‘Leave this country, your kin, your father’s house and go to a country I will show you. I will make you into a great nation. I shall bless you and make your name so great it will be used in blessings. All the peoples on earth will wish to be blessed as you are blessed.’
That was quite a few years ago when Abram was still only seventy-five. As he traveled with his wife Sarai whose name means ‘mockery’ the land was stricken by a famine and Abram went to Egypt to survive. His wife was so attractive the Egyptians even mentioned her beauty to Pharaoh and she was taken into the royal household. Having been told Sarai was Abram’s sister, Pharaoh treated him well and Abram acquired sheep, cattle, and donkeys, slaves and camels. When Pharaoh discovered that the two were husband and wife he sent them on their way with all the possesses he had acquired.
Abram had become very rich in livestock and in gold and silver and after leaving Egypt, the word of the Lord came to him again in a vision and said, ‘Abram, do not be afraid. I am you shield. Your reward will be very great.’
Remembering his prayer from long ago Abram replied, ‘Lord God, what can you truly give me, seeing I am still childless. The heir to my household is Eliezer of Damascus. You have given me no children, and so my heir must be a slave born in my house.’
The word of the Lord returned to him saying, ‘This man will not be your heir. Your heir will be a child of your own body. Look up at the sky, and count the stars, if you can, so many will your descendants be.’
Abram’s wife had borne him no children. However, she had an Egyptian slave-girl named Hagar and she said to Abram, ‘The Lord has not let me have a child. Take my slave girl perhaps through her I shall have a son.’
Abram agreed to what his wife said and Sarai brought the Egyptian girl Hagar to her husband and gave her to him as a wife. Time revealed that Hagar had conceived and her pregnancy became known. Words were exchanged and Hagar found herself submitting to an uncertain future perhaps outside the household of Abram.
The angel of the Lord came to Hagar while she was alone and said, ‘You are with child and will bear a son. You are to name him Ishmael, because God has heard.’ And Hagar bore Abram a son, and he was named according to the vision. Abram was eighty-six years old when she bore Ishmael.
Early one morning Abraham took some food and a full water skin and gave them to Hagar. He set the child on her shoulder and sent her away and she wandered about in the wilderness. When the water in the skin was finished she placed the child under a bush and ran to a high vantage point. Ishmael cried out from where he had been laid and Hagar ran to another high point but found no sign of help. She passed seven times in all between the two points until coming to a stop she heard an angels voice, ‘What troubles you, Hagar? Fear not, God has heard the child crying where you laid him. Go; lift the child in you arms. I will make him a great nation.’ When she picked him up God opened her eyes and she saw a well full of water and filling the water-skin gave the child drink.

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Yahushua The Forgotten Prophet

3:35 When the wife of ‘Imran said, “My Lord, indeed I have pledged to You what is in my womb, consecrated [for Your service], so accept this from me. Indeed, You are the Hearing, the Knowing.”  And when she delivered her, she said, “My Lord, I have delivered a female.” And Allah was most knowing of what she delivered; the male is not like the female. “And I have named her Mary, and I seek refuge for her in You and [for] her descendants from Satan, the Accursed.” So her Lord accepted her with gracious acceptance and caused her to grow in a good manner and put her in the care of Zechariah. Every time Zechariah entered upon her in the prayer chamber, he found with her provision. He said, “O Mary, from where is this [coming] to you?” She said, “It is from Allah. Indeed, Allah provides for whom He wills without account.”

At that, Zechariah called upon his Lord, saying, “My Lord, grant me from Yourself a good offspring. Indeed, You are the Hearer of supplication.”

That is from the news of the unseen which We reveal to you. And you were not with them when they cast their pens as to which of them should be responsible for Mary. Nor were you with them when they disputed.

In the days of King Herod of Judea there was a priest, a member of the Abiyah priesthood named Zechariah. His wife Elizabeth was descended from the ‘daughters of Aaron’ and both were upright and devout, flawlessly observing all the commandments and ordinances of Allah. Both were well on in years and they had no children for Elizabeth was barren.
Once, when it was the turn for the Abiyah priesthood to enter the sanctuary of Allah, and Zechariah was there to take part in the service, it fell to his lot, by priestly custom to offer the incense.
[when it was the turn: approximately June]
The whole congregation was at prayer outside and it was the hour of the incense offering when an angel of Allah appeared to him standing on the right side of the altar of incense. So the angels called him while he was standing in prayer in the chamber, “Indeed, Allah gives you good tidings of Yahya, confirming a word from Allah and [who will be] honorable, abstaining [from women], and a prophet from among the righteous.”
Zechariah was startled at this sight and fear overcame him, but the angel said, ‘Your prayer has been heard Zechariah, do not be afraid. Your wife will bear you a son, and you shall name him Yahyah. Your heart will thrill with joy and many will be glad that he was born, for he will be great in the eyes of Allah. He shall never touch wine or strong drink. He will be filled with the Holy Spirit from his birth and he will bring back many Israelites to the Lord, their God. Possessed by the spirit and power of Elijah, he will go before him as forerunner to reconcile father and child, to convert the rebellious to the ways of the righteous, and to prepare a people to be fit for the Lord.’
Zechariah said to the angel, ‘I am an old man and my wife is well up in years. How can I be sure of this? The angel said, “Such is Allah; He does what He wills.”

He said, “My Lord, make for me a sign.”
‘I am Gabriel. I stand in attendance upon your God, and I have been sent to speak to you and bring you this good news,’ the angel replied. ‘But now listen, you will lose your power of speech, and remain silent until the day when these things happen to you, because you have not believed me, though at their proper time my words will be proved true. He Said, “Your sign is that you will not [be able to] speak to the people for three days except by gesture. And remember your Lord much and exalt [Him with praise] in the evening and the morning.”’
Meanwhile the people were waiting for Zechariah, surprised that he was staying so long inside. When he did come out he could not speak and stood there making signs to them and remained dumb, till they concluded that he had had a vision in the sanctuary.
When he period of duty was completed Zechariah returned home and his wife conceived. For five months she lived in seclusion, thinking, ‘This is Allah’s doing. Now at last He has deigned to take away my reproach among men.’
During Elizabeth’s sixth month, Gabriel was sent from God to Nazareth, a town in Galilee with a message for a girl named Mary engaged to Joseph, a descendant of David.

when the angels said, “O Mary, indeed Allah has chosen you and purified you and chosen you above the women of the world. O Mary, be devoutly obedient to your Lord and prostrate and bow with those who bow .”
In the semblance of a full-grown man she saw him and said, ‘May the Merciful defend me from you. If you fear Allah, leave me and go your way.’
The angel said to her, ‘Greetings, most favored one. Allah is with you.’
So she wondered what this greeting might mean and she was deeply troubled by what he said. Then the angel said to her, ‘Do not be afraid, Mary, for God has been gracious to you. You shall conceive and bear a son, and you shall give him the name Yahushua. He will be great, and bear a title, ‘Son of the Most High.’ The God Allah will give him the throne of his ancestor David, and will be king of the house of Jacob forever; his reign shall never end.’ When the angels said, “O Mary, indeed Allah gives you good tidings of a word from Him, whose name will be the Messiah, Yahushua, the son of Mary – distinguished in this world and the Hereafter and among those brought near

He will speak to the people in the cradle and in maturity and will be of the righteous.” ‘How can this be?’ Mary reflected. ‘I am still a virgin.’
The angel answered, ‘The Holy Spirit will come down upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you, and for that reason the holy child to be born with be called ‘Son of God.’ “Such is Allah; He creates what He wills. When He decrees a matter, He only says to it, ‘Be,’ and it is. And He will teach him writing and wisdom and the Torah and the Gospel And [make him] a messenger to the Children of Israel, [who will say], ‘Indeed I have come to you with a sign from your Lord in that I design for you from clay [that which is] like the form of a bird, then I breathe into it and it becomes a bird by permission of Allah . And I cure the blind and the leper, and I give life to the dead – by permission of Allah. And I inform you of what you eat and what you store in your houses. Indeed in that is a sign for you, if you are believers.

And [I have come] confirming what was before me of the Torah and to make lawful for you some of what was forbidden to you. And I have come to you with a sign from your Lord, so fear Allah and obey me.

Indeed, Allah is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him. That is the straight path.”

Additionally, your own relative Elizabeth, in her old age has conceived a son. She was reported barren, but is now in her sixth month for God’s purposes can never fail.’
‘Here am I,’ said Mary. ‘I am the Lord’s servant. As you have spoken, so be it.’ Then the angel left her.
Soon thereafter Mary set out and went straight into Zechariah’s house in a town in the uplands of Judah. When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting the baby in her womb stirred and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and cried out aloud, ‘God’s blessing is on you above all women, and his blessing is on the fruit of your womb. Who am I, that the mother of my lord should visit me? I tell you, when your greeting sounded in my ears, the baby in my womb leapt for joy. How happy is she who has had faith that Allah’s promise would be fulfilled.’
Mary now knew she was with child by the Holy Spirit and said,

‘Sing out, my soul, the greatness of Allah,
rejoice, rejoice my spirit, in God my savior
so tenderly has He looked upon His servant, humble as she is.
For, from this day forth, all generations will count me blessed
So wonderfully has He dealt with me, Allah, the Mighty One.
His name is Holy,
His mercy sure form generation to generation
Towards those who fear Him.
The deeds his own right arm has done disclose His might.
The arrogant of heart and mind he has put to rout,
He has brought down monarchs from their thrones
But the humble have been lifted high.
The hungry He has satisfied with good things,
The rich sent away empty.
He has arranged Himself at the side of Israel his servant,
Firm in the promise to our forefathers,
He has not forgotten to show mercy to Abraham
And his children’s children forever.’

Mary remained with her for about three months and then returned home.
Being a man of principle, and at the same time wanting to save her from exposure, Joseph longed to have the marriage contract set aside quietly. He had resolved to do this, when an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream. ‘Joseph son of Dave, do not be afraid to take Mary home with you as your wife. It is by the Holy Spirit,’ the angel said, ‘that she has conceived this child. She will bear a son, and you shall give him the name Yahushua, for he will save his people from their sins.’ All this happened in order to fulfill what the Lord declared through the prophet, ‘The virgin will conceive and bear a son, and he shall be called Emmanuel, a name meaning ‘God is with us.’
Rising from sleep, Joseph did as the angel had directed him. He took Mary home to be his wife, and resolved to have no intercourse with her until her son was born.
When Elizabeth gave birth to a son, her neighbors and relatives heard what great favor Allah had shown her and they were as delighted as she was. Then on the eighth day, they came to circumcise the chilled and were about to name him Zechariah after his father, when his mother spoke up and said, ‘No, he is to be called Yahyah.’ ‘But,’ they said, ‘there is no one who has ever had that name before.’
By signs they asked his father what he would have him be called. He asked for a writing tablet and wrote down to the astonishment of all, ‘His name is Yahyah.’ Immediately his lips and tongue were freed and he began to speak, praising God. All the neighbors were struck with awe, and everywhere in the uplands of Judea the whole story became common talk. All who heard it were deeply impressed and many said, ‘What will this child become, for indeed the hand of Allah is upon him.’
Zechariah was filled with the Holy Spirit and uttered this prophesy:
‘Praise to the God of Israel
for He has turned to His people, saved them and set them free
and He has raised up a deliverer of victorious power
from the house of David.
So he promised, age after age He proclaimed
By the lips of His holy prophets
That He would deliver us from our enemies
Out of the hands of all who hate us
That he would deal mercifully with our fathers
Calling to mind his solemn covenant.
That was the oath He swore to our father Abraham
To rescue us from enemy hands
And to grant us, free from fear, intercourse with Him
In a holy worship, with uprightness of heart
In His presence, our whole life long.
And you my child, you shall be called Prophet of the Highest
For you will be the Lord’s forerunner to prepare his way
And lead his people to salvation through knowledge of him,
By the forgiveness of their sins.
For in the tender compassion of our God
The morning sun heaven will rise upon us
To shine on those who live in darkness, under the cloud of death
And to guide our feet into the way of peace.’
So appeared a man named Yahyah, sent from God. He came as a witness to testify to the light, that all might become believers through him. He was not himself the light; he came to bear witness to the light. The light which enlightens every man was even then coming into the world.
As this child grew up he would become strong in spirit and live out in the wilds until the day when he would appear publicly before Israel.
During these days a decree was issued by the Emperor Augustus for a registration to be made throughout the Roman world. This was the first registration of its kind taking place while Quirinius was governor of Syria. For this purpose everyone made his way to his own home town.
Because he was of the house of David by descent, Joseph took Mary who was still engaged to him, and went up to Judaea from Nazareth in Galilee to register in Bethlehem, the city of David.
When they were near, the time came for her baby to be born and when she felt the throes of childbirth she lay down by the trunk of a palm-tree, crying, ‘Oh, would that I had died and passed into oblivion!’
But a voice from below cried out to her, ‘Do not despair. Your Lord has provided a brook that runs at your feet, and if you shake the trunk of this palm-tree it will drop fresh ripe dates in your lap. Therefore eat and drink and rejoice, and should you meet any mortal say only, ‘I have vowed a fast to the Merciful and will not converse with any man today.’
Carrying the child, she came to her people, who said to her, ‘Mary, this is indeed a strange thing. Sister of Aaron, your father was never a whore-monger, nor was your mother a harlot.’
She made a sign to them, pointing to the child. But they replied, ‘How can we speak with a babe in the cradle?’
Whereupon he spoke, ‘I am the servant of God. He has given me the Book and ordained me a prophet. His blessing is upon me wherever I go, and He has exhorted me to be steadfast in prayer and to give alms as long as I shall live. He has exhorted me to honor my mother and has purged me of vanity and wickedness. Blessed was I on the day I was born, and blessed I shall be on the day of my death and on the day I shall be raised to life.’
She laid him in a manger, wrapped in swaddling clothes because there was no room for them in the inn.
Now in this same district there were shepherds abiding in the fields keeping watch over their flocks by night, when suddenly there stood before them an angel of the Lord, and the splendor of Allah shone round about them, and they were most afraid.
But the angel spoke and said, ‘Do not be afraid, I bring you good tidings of a great joy coming to all the people. Unto you this day in the city of David a savior which is the Messiah, the lord. And this is your sign; you will find a babe wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a manger.’ At once there was with the angel a great company of the heavenly hosts, singing the praises of God:
‘Glory to God in highest heaven
and on earth peace towards men on whom His favor rests.’
After the angels had left them and gone into heaven the shepherds said tone another, ‘Come, we must go straight to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened which the Lord has made known to us.’
So they went at full speed and found their way to Mary and Joseph and the baby was still lying in the manger. When they saw him, they recounted what they had been told about this child, and all who heard were astonished at what the shepherds said. But Mary treasured up all these things in her heart and pondered over them. Meanwhile the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for what they had heard and seen, since it had all happened s they had been told.
Eight days later when it was time to circumcise him, Joseph named the child Yahushua, the name given by the angel before he was conceived. Then after their purification was completed in accordance with the Law of Moses, they brought him to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord as prescribed in the Law of the Lord: ‘Every first-born male shall be deemed to belong to the Lord’ and to make the offering as also stated in the Law of ‘ . . a pair of turtledoves or two young pigeons.’
At this time in Jerusalem an upright and devout man called Simeon watched and waited for the restoration of Israel. The Holy Spirit was upon him and it had been disclosed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not see death until he had seen the Lord’s messiah. There was also a prophetess, Anna the daughter of Phanuel of the tribe of Asher. She was a very old woman who had lived with her husband seven years, and then alone as a widow for another eighty years. She never left the temple, but worshipped day and night fasting and praying.
Guided by the spirit, Simeon came into the temple, and when the parents brought in the child Yahushua to do what was customary under the Law for him, Simeon took him in his arms, praised God and said;
‘This day, Master, Thou givest Thy servant his discharge in peace. Now Thy promise is fulfilled for I have seen with my own eyes the deliverance which Thou hast made in full view of all the nations; a light that will be a revelation to the heathen, and glory to Thy people Israel.’
Coming up at that very moment, Anna returned thanks to God.
The child’s father and mother were full of wonder at what was being said abut him. Simeon blessed them and said to his mother Mary, ‘This child is destined to be a sign which men reject, and you too shall be pierced to the heart. Many in Israel will stand or fall because of him and thus the secret thoughts of many will be laid bare.’
As time passed Anna talked about the child to all who were looking for the liberation of Jerusalem.
Yahushua was born during the reign of Herod, king of Judaea. After his birth astronomers arrived from the east in Jerusalem asking, ‘Where is the child who is born to be king of the Jews? We observed the rising of his star and have come to pay him homage.’
King Herod was greatly perturbed when he heard this, and so was the whole of Jerusalem. He called a meeting of the chief priests and lawyers and the Jewish people and asked them this question, ‘Where is the messiah, to be born?’
‘At Bethlehem in Judaea,’ they replied, and referred him to the prophecy which states, ‘
Bethlehem in the land of Judaea, you are far from least in the eyes of the rulers of Judah, for out of you shall come a leader t be shepherd my people Israel.’
Herod next called the astronomers to meet him in private, and determined from them the time when the star had appeared. He then sent them on the Bethlehem and said, ‘Go and make a careful inquiry for the child. When you have found him, report to me, so that I may go and pay him homage.’
So they set out at the king’s bidding following the same star they had seen until it stopped above the place where the child lay. They were overjoyed at the sight of the star and entering the house, they saw the child with his mother. They bowed in homage to him, and opening up their treasures offer him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.
They returned home by another way, being warned in a dream not to go back to Herod.
After they were gone, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, ‘Rise up, take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you otherwise, for Herod is going to search for the child to do away with him.’ So Joseph rose from sleep and taking mother and child by night he stole away with them to Egypt.
When Herod saw how the astronomers had tricked him he fell into passion. He gave orders for all children two years old or less, and thus corresponding with the time he had determined from the astronomers, to be massacred in Bethlehem and its neighborhood.
So the words spoken through Jeremiah the prophet; ‘A voice was heard in Rama, wailing and loud laments; it was Rachel weeping for her children, and refusing all consolation, because they were no more’, were fulfilled.
When Herod died an angel of Allah appeared in Egypt to Joseph in a dream and said, ‘Rise up, take the child and his mother, and go with them to the land of Israel, for the men who threatened the child’s life are dead.’ This was to fulfill what the Lord had declared through the prophet; ‘I called my son out of Egypt.’
Joseph rose, taking mother and child with him and journeyed toward the land of Israel.
He was afraid to go there, however, hearing that Archelaus had succeeded his father Herod as king. Being warned by a dream, Joseph withdrew to the region of Galilee where he settled in a town called Nazareth. This was to fulfill the words spoken through the prophets; ‘He shall be called a Nazarene’. The child grew big and strong and full of wisdom, and God’s favor was upon him.
It was the practice of his parents to go to Jerusalem every year for the Passover festival, and when he was twelve, they made the pilgrimage as usual. When the festival season was over, they started for home, but the boy Yahushua stayed behind in Jerusalem, without his parent’s knowledge. They journeyed for an entire day, only then looking for him among their friends and relations. Since they could not find him they returned to look for him in Jerusalem. After three days they found him sitting in the temple surrounded by teachers, listening to them and engaged in dialog. All who heard him were amazed at his intelligence and the answers he gave. His parents were astonished to see him there, and his mother said, ‘My son, why have you treated us like this? Your father and I have been searching very anxiously for you.’
‘What made you search?’ he asked. ‘Did you not know I was bound to be in my father’s house?’ But they did not understand what he meant by this.
He went back with them to Nazareth, and continued to be under their authority. As Yahushua grew up he advanced in wisdom and in favor with God and men and his mother treasured all these things in her heart.But when Yahushua recognized reservations among them, he said, “Who are my supporters for [the cause of] Allah?” The disciples said,” We are supporters for Allah. We have believed in Allah and testify that we are Muslims [submitting to Him].Our Lord, we have believed in what You revealed and have followed the messenger Yahushua, so register us among the witnesses [to truth].”And the disbelievers plotted, but Allah plotted. And Allah is the best of plotters.When Allah said, “O Yahushua, indeed I will take you and raise you to Myself and purify you from those who disbelieve and make those who follow you superior to those who disbelieve until the Day of Resurrection. Then to Me is your return, and I will judge between you concerning that in which you used to differ. And as for those who disbelieved, I will punish them with a severe punishment in this world and the Hereafter, and they will have no helpers.”But as for those who believed and did righteous deeds, He will give them in full their rewards, and Allah does not like the wrongdoers.

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The Shirt . Malay Yang Baju, Bengali বাঙ্গালী ,Hindi हिंदी शर्ट Espanol La Camisa

The Shirt
Amir bin Salama narrated that,
“We were at a place that was a thoroughfare for the people,
and when the caravans would pass
we would ask, ‘What attracts the people? Who is that man?’
‘They would say, ‘That man claims that Allah has sent him,
that he has been divinely inspired,
and that Allah has revealed to him this and that.’
I used to memorize that talk,
and felt as if it were inculcated in my chest.’
‘The Arabs delayed their conversion to Islam
until the conquest,
saying ‘Avoid him and his people;
should he triumph then he is a true prophet.’
So when Makka was conquered,
every tribe rushed to embrace Islam, and my father raced to embrace Islam ahead of our tribe.
When my father returned he said,
‘By Allah, I have returned to you from a true Prophet!’
Afterwards the Prophet said,
‘Offer such and such prayer at its time, and when the time for prayer arrives,
one of you should announce the call,
and have the one of you who knows Koran the most,
lead the prayer.’
So they looked for that person and
found none who knew more of the Koran than me,
because of the Koranic material which I used to learn from the caravans. So they made

me their Iman and
at the time I was a boy of six or seven wearing a scant black jersey.
A lady from the tribe said,
‘Won’t you provide fit wardrobe for your announcer?’
So they bought fabric
and had it cut for me and
I had never been so happy with anything before
as I was with that fitted shirt.

Malay Bahasa Melayu
Yang Baju
Amir bin Salamah meriwayatkan bahawa,
“Kami berada di tempat yang merupakan jalan untuk rakyat,
dan apabila karavan akan luluskita akan bertanya, ‘Apa yang menarik rakyat? Siapakah lelaki itu? ”Mereka akan berkata,’ seorang lelaki yang mendakwa bahawa Allah telah menghantar beliau, bahawa dia telah diberikan oleh Tuhan, dan bahawa Allah telah diturunkan kepada beliau itu dan ini. ‘ Saya digunakan untuk menghafal desas desus bahawa,dan merasakan seolah-olah ia

telah diterapkan di dalam dada saya. ‘
‘Orang Arab terlewat penukaran mereka Islam sehinggalah penaklukan,
berkata ‘Elakkan dia dan kaumnya; patut dia menang maka dia adalah seorang nabi yang benar. ‘

Oleh itu, apabila Mekah telah ditawan, suku setiap bergegas untuk memeluk Islam,
dan bapa saya berlumba-lumba untuk memeluk Islam di hadapan puak kami.
Apabila bapa saya kembali katanya,’Demi Allah, saya telah kembali kepada kamu dari Nabi

Selepas itu Nabi itu berkata, ‘Tawaran doa itu dan apa-apa pada masa,
dan apabila tiba masa untuk solat, salah seorang di antara kamu harus mengumumkan

panggilan, dan mempunyai salah seorang dari kamu yang mengetahui Al-Quran yang

paling mengetuai sembahyang.
Jadi mereka mencari orang itu dandidapati tiada yang tahu Al-Quran daripada saya,
kerana bahan al-Quran yang saya digunakan untuk belajar dari karavan.
Jadi mereka membuat saya Iman mereka danpada masa itu, saya adalah seorang budak

enam atau tujuh memakai jersi hitam daya terhad.
Seorang wanita dari suku kaum berkata,’Tidak Adakah anda menyediakan almari pakaian patut untuk juruhebah anda? Jadi mereka membeli kaindan telah memotong untuk saya dan Saya tidak pernah begitu gembira dengan apa-apa sebelumkerana saya adalah dengan baju yang dipasang.

আমির বিন সালামা বর্ণিত যে,
“আমরা একটি স্থান, যা ছিল মানুষের জন্য একটি রাস্তা বন্ধ হয়,
এবং যখন ভ্রমণকারীরা উপেক্ষা করা হবে
আমরা, ‘জিজ্ঞাসা করা হবে কি মানুষের আকর্ষণ? যে ব্যক্তি কে? ‘
‘তারা বলব,’ যে ব্যক্তি দাবি করছে যে, আল্লাহ তাকে পাঠানো হয়েছে,
যে তিনি করেছে ঐশ্বরিকহয়েছে অনুপ্রাণিত,
এবং যে আল্লাহ তাকে এই যে. প্রকাশ করেছে ‘
আমি যে আলাপ মুখস্থ ব্যবহৃত,
এবং অনুভূত হিসাবে যদি আমার বুকে অনুবিদ্ধ হয়েছে. ‘
‘আরবরা ইসলামের তাদের রূপান্তর বিলম্বিত পর্যন্ত বিজয়,
বলার অপেক্ষা রাখে না ‘তাকে এবং তার লোকদের এড়িয়ে চলুন;
জয়োত্সব তারপর তিনি তার উচিত একটি সত্য নবী. ‘
সুতরাং যখন Makkah জিত ছিল,
তাই প্রত্যেক জাতি ইসলামের আলিঙ্গন নলখাগড়া, এবং আমার বাবাকে ইসলাম এগিয়ে আমাদের উপজাতি আলিঙ্গন দৌড় করান. যখন

Makkah জিত ছিল,
যখন আমার বাবা ফিরে তিনি বলেন,
‘আল্লাহ্র কসম, আমি আপনাকে একটা সত্য নবী থেকে ফিরে! আছে’
পরে সাল্লাল্লাহু আলাইহি ওয়া সাল্লাম বলেন, ‘এর সময়ে অমুক অমুক প্রার্থনা চলচ্চিত্র,
এবং যখন প্রার্থনা জন্য সময় আসে, আপনি এক কল ঘোষণা করা উচিত,
এবং আপনি এক যারা ​​কোরান অধিকাংশ জানে আছে,
প্রার্থনা. নেতৃত্ব ‘
সুতরাং তারা যে ব্যক্তির জন্য তাকিয়ে
পাওয়া কোনটি যারা ​​আমাকে চেয়ে কোরান আরও জানতাম,
কারণ এর কুরআন উপাদান যা আমি ভ্রমণকারীরা থেকে জানতে ব্যবহৃত.
তাই তারা তাদের প্রণীত Iman আমাকে এবং
আমি সময় ছিল ছয় বা সাত একটি ছেলে একটি অপ্রচুর কালো জার্সি পরা.
উপজাতি থেকে একটি ভদ্রমহিলা বলেন,
‘আপনি আপনার ঘোষক জন্য সুযোগ্য পোশাক সরবরাহ? হবে না
সুতরাং তারা ফ্যাব্রিক কেনা এবং এটি ছিল আমার জন্য কর্তন এবং
আমি এত খুশি হয়েছে কিছু সঙ্গে কখনও আগে
যেমন আমি যে লাগানো শার্ট ছিল. ”

हिंदी शर्ट
अमीर बिन सलामा सुनाया कि,
“हम एक जगह है कि लोगों के लिए एक आम रास्ता पर थे,
और जब कारवां पारित होगा
हम पूछना, क्या लोगों को आकर्षित करती है? वो आदमी कौन है? ‘
‘वे कहते थे,’ उस आदमी का दावा है कि अल्लाह उसे भेजा है,
कि वह दैवीय प्रेरित किया गया,
और कि अल्लाह उसे यह और कि पता चला है. ‘
मैं उस बात को याद करते थे,
और के रूप में अगर यह मेरे सीने में एम्बेडेड थे महसूस किया.
‘इस्लाम अरबों उनके रूपांतरण देरी विजय जब तक,
‘कह रही है और उसके अपने लोगों से बचें;
वह जीत तो होना चाहिए कि वह एक सच्चा नबी है.
तो जब मक्का पर विजय प्राप्त की थी, हर जनजाति के लिए इस्लाम कबूल पहुंचे,
और मेरे पिता इस्लाम को गले लगाने के हमारे जनजाति के आगे निकल.
जब मेरे पिता लौटे उन्होंने कहा,
‘अल्लाह के द्वारा, मैं एक सच्चे पैगंबर से आप वापस आ गए!
बाद में पैगंबर ने कहा,
अपने समय में इस तरह के और इस तरह प्रार्थना प्रस्ताव,
और जब प्रार्थना के लिए समय आता है,
तुम में से एक कॉल की घोषणा करनी चाहिए,
और तुम में से एक है जो कुरान जानता है सबसे, प्रार्थना का नेतृत्व.
तो वे उस व्यक्ति के लिए देखा और
कोई नहीं मिला जो मुझ से कुरान की अधिक जानता था,
क्योंकि कुरआन सामग्री है जो मैं कारवां से सीखने की.
तो वे मुझे अपने ईमान की और
मैं समय में छह या सात के एक लड़के के एक अल्प काले रंग की जर्सी पहने हुए था.
जनजाति से एक महिला ने कहा,
आप अपने उद्घोषक के लिए फिट अलमारी प्रदान करते हैं ना? ‘
तो वे कपड़े खरीदा
और यह मेरे लिए कटौती की थी और
मैं इतना खुश पहले कभी नहीं गया था कुछ के साथ
के रूप में मैं कि सज्जित कमीज के साथ था.

La Camisa
Amir bin Salama narró que,
“Estábamos en un lugar que era una vía para el pueblo, y cuando las caravanas que pasan, nos preguntaba, ‘¿Qué atrae a la gente? ¿Quién es ese hombre?’
“Me decían:« Ese hombre dice que Dios le ha enviado,
que ha sido inspirada por Dios, y que Dios le ha revelado esto y aquello. ”
Yo solía memorizar que hablar, y me sentí como si hubiera sido inculcado en mi pecho. ”
“Los árabes han retrasado su conversión al Islam  hasta la conquista,
diciendo: “Evite a él ya su pueblo;  en caso de que el triunfo, entonces es un verdadero profeta. ”
Por eso, cuando La Meca fue conquistada,  cada tribu corrieron a abrazar el Islam,
y mi padre corrió a abrazar el Islam por delante de nuestra tribu.
Cuando mi padre regresó, dijo, “Por Alá, he vuelto a usted de un verdadero profeta!”
Después, el Profeta dijo:  “Ofrecer la oración tal y tal en su tiempo, y cuando llega el momento de la oración, uno de ustedes debe anunciar la llamada, y tienen el uno de ustedes que conoce el Corán al máximo,  dirigir la oración. ”
Así que buscaron a esa persona y no encontró ninguno que sabía más del Corán que yo,
por el material del Corán que he usado para aprender de las caravanas.
Así que hicieron Me Iman y su en ese momento yo era un niño de seis o siete años que llevaba un jersey negro escasa.
Una mujer de la tribu, dijo, “No le proporcionará vestuario adecuado para el presentador?
Así que compró la tela y lo había cortado para mí y  Nunca había sido tan feliz con cualquier cosa antes como estuve con esa camiseta ajustada.

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عمير بن سلامة روى،
وقال “كنا في المكان الذي كان أحد الشوارع للشعب،
وعندما ستمر القوافل
ونسأل: ما يجذب الناس؟ من هو هذا الرجل؟ ”
“كانوا يقولون:” هذا الرجل يدعي أن الله قد بعث إليه،
الذي تم هو من وحي الهيا،
وكشفت أن الله له هذا وذاك “.
وكنت أحفظ هذا الكلام،
ورأى وكما لو كان هو مطبوع في صدري “.
“تأخر العرب في تحولهم إلى الإسلام  حتى الفتح،
قائلا “تجنب عليه وعلى شعبه؛
يجب عليه أن انتصار فهو نبي حقيقي “.
لذلك عندما غزاها مكة المكرمة،  وهرع كل قبيلة لاعتناق الإسلام،
، وتسابق والدي الى اعتناق الاسلام قبل قبيلتنا.
عندما عاد والدي قال: تالله، لقد عدت لكم من النبي صحيح! ‘
بعد ذلك قال النبي،  ‘أداء صلاة كذا وكذا في وقتها،
وعندما يحين الوقت للصلاة وصول،  وينبغي واحد منكم يعلن عن الدعوة،
ويكون واحد منكم يعرف القرآن أكثر،  يؤدي الصلاة.
بدا ذلك هم لهذا الشخص و العثور على أي الذين يعرفون أكثر من القرآن الكريم أكثر مني،
وذلك لان المواد القرآنية التي اعتدت أن نتعلم من القوافل.
قدمت حتى لي إيمان و
في ذلك الوقت كنت صبيا من ستة أو سبعة وهو يرتدي قميص أسود ضئيلة.
وقالت سيدة من قبيلة، ‘لن توفر لك خزانة صالح للمذيع الخاص بك؟ ”
اشترى حتى النسيج وخفض ذلك بالنسبة لي
وأنا لم تكن سعيدة جدا مع أي شيء قبل كما كنت مع ذلك القميص المجهزة

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Letra por Letra; Espanol

Me gusta mucho la representación en Espanol del nombre de Dios. A menudo, la primera letra del nombre de un representado en Espanol serán capitalizados, y si cualquier nombre debe ser todo en mayúsculas yo creo que sería el nombre de Dios. La letra ‘A’ mayúscula transmite cierta estabilidad con el apoyo en la basellegando a un punto medio. La conexión horizontal casi parece para agregar fuerza adicional con mayor estabilidad y, obviamente, la carta es vertical simétrica y yo acabamos deencontrar una línea diagonal, más interesante que sea una simple líneahorizontal o vertical. Se acercó a cada lado, una interpretación podría ser que aquí es una .invitación para ascender a una posición más alta. “E” El caso superior también transmite equilibrio a mí con la base conectada al segmento medio y superior, todas paralelas entre sí. Aunque las tres líneas de puntos en la misma dirección y están todos a unlado de la línea vertical el resultado visual aparece equilibrada con poca probabilidad de vuelco. La letra “I” puede ser considerado más independiente, con una cantidad apropiada de la adecuación de lo que sugiere la “confianza” o suficiencia en sí mismo. Una vez más el trazo vertical que sea apropiado, en forma sutil transmitir una característica de Dios. La primera letra en el otro lado del nombre de Dios no contiene ninguna línea recta, en absoluto, sino más bien ‘O’ del círculo que no tiene principio de identificación y, en general considera que representa el infinito, sin fin. La última carta ‘U’ contiene los dos elementos de líneas rectas combinadas con la mitad del círculo. Se escribe generalmente comienzo en la parte superior moviendo hacia abajo hasta que el círculo medio comienza, cuando la línea se mueve entonces hacia arriba en la dirección opuesta. Así que dentro de esta última carta opuestos se unen para constituir el todo, lo que refleja los ‘polos opuestos se atraen “o el concepto del yin-yang. Este sonido final de “hu” en arameo y en árabe transmite el significado ‘es’ o’existe’.
‘A E I O U Akbar’ por lo tanto, significa “Dios es grande’ y me gustaría ver un espacio entre cada letra, pero siento que sólo la primera letra de Akbar capitalización de órdenes, aunque no veo nada de malo en ‘AEIOU Akbar’.

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Letter by Letter

I rather like the representation in English of God’s name. Often the first letter of a name represented in English will be capitalized and if any name should be all capitals I would think that would be God’s name. The capital letter ‘ A ‘ conveys certain stability with support at the base rising to a mid-point. The horizontal connection almost seems to add extra strength with additional stability and obviously the letter is vertically symmetrical and I just find a diagonal line more interesting than either a simple horizontal line or vertical line. Approached from either side, an interpretation might be made that here is an invitation to ascend to a higher position. The upper case ‘ E ‘ also conveys balance to me with the base connected to the mid-segment and top, all parallel to each other. Although the three lines point in the same direction and are all to one side of the vertical line the visual result appears balanced with little likelihood of toppling. The letter ‘ I ‘ might be considered rather independent with an appropriate amount of ‘confidence’ suggesting adequacy or sufficiency in and of itself. Again the single upright stroke is appropriate in subtly conveying a characteristic of God. The first letter on the other side of God’s name contains no straight line at all but rather the circle ‘ O ‘ having no identifiable beginning and generally considered to represent infinity without end. The final letter ‘ U ‘ contains both straight line elements combined with half of the circle. It is usually written beginning at the top moving straight down until the half circle begins, when the line then moves straight up in the opposite direction. So within this final letter opposites are united to make the whole, reflecting the ‘opposites attract’ or the yin-yang concept. This final sound ‘hu’ in Aramaic and in Arabic conveys the meaning ‘is’ or ‘exists’. ‘A E I O U Akbar’ therefore means ‘GOD is Great’ and I like to see a space between each letter but feel that only the first letter of Akbar warrants capitalization, although I see nothing wrong with ‘AEIOU Akbar.’

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The First Generations

When your Lord said to the angels: ‘I am placing on the earth one that shall rule as My deputy,’ they replied: ‘Will You put there one that will do evil and shed blood, when we have for so long sung Your praises and sanctified Your Name?’

He said, ‘I know what you know not.’

When the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life the man became a living creature.  In Eden He planted a garden and there put the man he had formed.  The Lord God made trees spring from the ground and in the middle of the garden he set the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

He told the man, ‘You may eat of every tree in the garden, but not from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; for on the day that you eat from it, you will surely die.’  The Lord God put the man into a trace, and while he slept, he took one of his ribs and built up the rib into a woman.

The serpent spoke to the woman, ‘Is it true that God has forbidden you to eat from any tree in the garden?’

‘We may eat the fruit of any tree in the garden,’ the woman said, ‘except for the tree in the middle of the garden.  God has forbidden us either to eat or to touch its fruit; if we do we shall surely die.’

The serpent said, ‘You will not surely die.  God knows that as soon as you eat it, your eyes will be opened and you will be like gods knowing both good and evil.’ The woman looked upon the fruit of the tree and she took some and ate it and gave her husband some and he ate it.

When the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God they hid among the trees of the garden.  The Lord God called to the man and said to him, ‘where are you?’

He replied, ‘Because I was naked, I hid myself from you.’

God answered, ‘Who told you that you were naked; have you eaten from the tree which I forbade you?’

The man said, ‘The woman you gave me for a companion gave me fruit from the tree and I ate it.’

Then the Lord God said to the woman, ‘What is this that you have done?’

The woman said, ‘The serpent tricked me, and I ate.’

‘Go hence,’ We said, ‘and may your offspring be enemies to each other.  The earth will for a while provide your sustenance and a dwelling place.’

The man called his wife ‘Life’ because she was the mother of all who live. The man lay with the woman, ‘Life’ and she conceived and gave birth to Cain. Then she said with the help of A E I ,  I have brought a man into being.’

Afterwards she had another child, his brother Abel. Cain said to his brother, ‘Let us go into the open country.  I will surely kill you.’

His brother replied, ‘If you stretch your hand to kill me, I shall not lift mine to slay you; for I fear God, the Lord of the Creation.’  Cain attacked his brother and murdered him.

Then the Lord said to Cain, ‘Where is your brother Abel?’

Cain answered, ‘I do not know. Am I my brother’s keeper?’ A raven dug the earth to show him how to bury the naked corpse of his brother.

Then Cain lay with his wife and she conceived and bore Enoch.  Enoch begot Irad; Irad begot Mehujael; Mehujael begot Methushael; Methushael begot Lamech and Lamech was one hundred and eighty-two years old when he begot Noah.

Adam lay with his wife again. She bore him a son, and named him Seth, ‘For God has granted me another son in place of Abel, because Cain killed him.’ Seth too had a son, whom he named Enosh. At that time men began to invoke A E I by name.  After the birth of Seth, Adam lived eight hundred years and when Adam died Lamech was fifty-six years old .

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