Dalam Image Tuhan

Dalam Image Tuhan

Di penciptaan manusia, Tuhan menunjukkan yang spesies kita dicipta dalam imej Tuhan.Nampaknya seolah-olah majoriti pembaca kata-kata ini melihat ini sebagai yang tinggi darjatnyakedudukan tanpa mempertimbangkan sepenuhnya maksud imej.Untuk menyediakan satu contoh yang biasa saya ingin melihat nilai mengkaji imej automobil.Jika kereta di bilik pameran dan terang cermin saiz penuh, boleh menyediakan cara yang baik untuk mendedahkan butir-butir kereta.Dengan beberapa pemikiran ke masa depan anda sedar anda melihat warna yang tepatMempunyai pintu terbuka akan memberikan gambaran yang pedalaman danagi dengan pencahayaan yang baik pemerhati seharusnya mampu untuk membuat warnadan dari tekstur mungkin dapat menyimpulkan bahan.Sistem stereo dan bunyi boleh ditentukan, kedudukan pencucuhan, peralihan mekanisme dan penghantaran.Susun atur yang dash dan tolok mestilah nyata.Dan ini hanya permulaan. Dengan akses untuk melihat bahagian bawah,yang boleh dilihat untuk mendapatkan idea mengenai penggantungan itu. Sudah tentu hud harus dibuka, dan anda boleh lihat pada enjin, bateri, alternator, dll.Jika kita ingat untuk mempunyai batang terbuka kita boleh memeriksa itu, sebenarnya ini sepatutnya memberitahu kita banyak perkara mengenai kereta , dan hanya menyimpan ini adalah minda,kita perlu sedar bahawa sejak kita berada dalam imej Tuhan(A E I O U)kita jelas cukup berkuasa,berpengetahuan, imaginatif, kreatif, dengan pandangan jauh yang berpotensi besar.Jika cermin sebelah kereta dengan teliti kedudukanmalah mungkin tidak sesuai untuk seseorangtersilap imej kereta dengan kereta sendiri.Dan jadi saya fikir lebih daripada beberapa orang hampir kesilapan manusia bagi Tuhan. Jika seseorang diberi satu set kunci dandiberitahu bahawa kereta itu adalah tersedia untuk memandu ujian danhampir sempurna dalam ke mana-manakecuali bahawa dia mungkin perlu menyorongkan kunci ke dalam pintusejak yang sedikit ketat,dia tersilap mungkin cuba untuk membuka pintu itu fatamorgana.

Yang mungkin akan membawa kepada menghancurkan seluruh cermin, dan kemudian, sudah tentu perbezaan akan menjadi lebih jelas.Jadi fatamorgana sebenarnya adalah sedikit lebih daripada ilusi dankami adalah imej Tuhan hanya untuk satu-satu masa.Walaupun kami mungkin boleh mewujudkan, Tuhan Pencipta;kita boleh tahu sesuatu, Allah(A E I O U) Maha Mengetahui.Kita dapat lihat, tetapi Allah(A E I O U)-melihat.Kita boleh membaca, tetapi A E I O U adalah Penulis.Kami sentiasa berada hanya beberapa minit dari diturunkan mendedahkan. sebagai hanya fatamorgana.Perspektif ini juga apa yang kita patut mendapat dari mengingati bahawa kita adalah imej Tuhan.

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In the Image of God

At the creation of mankind, God points out that our species is created in the image of God.  It seems as though the vast majority of the readers of these words view this as a lofty position without fully considering the meaning of ‘image’. To provide a mundane illustration, consider the image of an automobile.  If the actual car is in a well lit showroom a full size mirror can provide a great way to reveal the details of the car.  More than likely you will be able to note the exact color. Having the doors open would provide a view of the interior and again with good lighting an observer should be able to make out the color and from the texture might be able to deduce the material. The stereo and sound system could be determined, along with the position of the key, the ignition, shift mechanism and transmission. The layout of the dash and is gauges should be visible. And this is just the start. With some access to viewing the undercarriage, that could be seen to get an idea of the suspension. Of course the hood should be opened, and you could take a look at the engine, battery, alternator, etc. If we remember to have the trunk open we could inspect that, in fact this should tell us a lot about the car and just keeping this is mind, we should recognize that since we are in the image of God we are clearly quite powerful, knowledgeable, imaginative, creative, kind with potentially great foresight.  If the mirror next to the car is carefully positioned it might even be possible for someone to mistake the image of the car with the car itself.
And so I think more that a few people almost mistake man for a God. Of couse a human being would never equate himself with God, right?  But Pharaoh considered himself not just Ruler of Egypt but God of his people.  He was hardly the only one. Until the end of World War II, the Emperor of Japan considered himself God as did millions of Japanese. They were not able to distinguish the difference in being God and being created in the ‘image’ of God. Their own likeness and attributes led them to a tragic conclusion.  This delusion allows these rulers to order slavery or death on nothing more than a whim.  If a person were to be given a set of keys and told that the car was available for a test drive and nearly perfect in everyway except that he might need to shove the key into the door since that was a little tight, he could mistakenly attempt to unlock the door of the mirage.  That would very likely lead to the shattering of the entire mirror and of course the differences would be apparent.  So a mirage in fact is very little more than illusion and we are the image of God only for a time.  Although we may create, God is the Creator; we may know something, God is All-knowing. We can see, but God is All-Seeing. We are always only moments away from being revealed as being just a mirage. This is also the perspective we should gain from considering that we are in the image of God.  In this generation far too many people forget that their purpose in life is to make a favorable impression on the God who created the image, and believe success is achieved by making an impression on their fellow man totally forgetting such success becomes, like themselves, an illusion and too soon nothing more than a hollow mirage.
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La Génesis de la Religion

La religión fue inicializada poco después de la creación del universo comenzó. Según lo escrito en el Koran, Que da vuelta al cielo, que era con todo a una nube del vapor, él dijo , el `a él y a la tierra, “viene adelante dispuesto, o por la obligación?
Venimos dispuesto, ‘contestaron.
En dos días él formó el cielo en siete cielos, y a cada cielo él asignó su tarea. ‘
Aquí está el primer principio de la religión establecido por God, el de la obediencia y de la sumisión el suyo, cuál ahora se refiere como Islam.
Después de la sumisión de la creación sí mismo, los ángeles entraron en Islam y el Islam se ha abierto recientemente para la humanidad desde la creación de Adán. El Coran se enciende explicar eso, ` La única fe verdadera en la vista de dios es Islam. ‘

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The God is not the Name of The God

‘The God’ is not The God’s name and in the book of Genesis chapter 4, verse 26 reads, ‘At that time, men began to invoke the Lord by name.’ The ‘time’ being referred to occurs after Eve gave birth to her son, Seth, a name meaning Granted for as she said, ‘God has granted me another son in place of Abel, because Cain killed him.’ When Seth had a son, he named him Enosh and at this time according to the mentioned verses, the name of the Lord began to be invoked.
However, according to Islam, the earliest mention of the name of God is found in the Koran Sura 2, The Cow: “When your Lord said to the angels: ‘I am placing on the earth one that shall rule as My deputy,’ they replied: ‘Will You put there one that will do evil and shed blood, when we have for so long sung Your praises and sanctified Your Name?” It would appear that the angels held some reservations about this proposal and it would seem likely that in responding to this suggestion only a response with significant gravitas would be offered. If this conclusion is valid then the angels immediately considered the declaration of the Name of God of paramount importance.
It is only fairly recently that it’s been determined that life on earth probably exceeds 3.4 billion years. If there is any likelihood that the creation of the angels predates the creation of life, then the phrase ‘so long’ becomes a rather amazing
understatement. However, at the time of the birth of Moses, there is no indication that mankind knew the Name any longer.
Perhaps an argument could be made that the knowledge of God’s name, mentioned so early at the inception of human life, may have been lost at the time of Noah when only he and a few of his relatives survived the flood. In any case, Moses revealed that he did not know the name of God, by asking that he be informed of it when he found himself speaking directly with God. This indicated that none of the Egyptians had knowledge of it either, since Moses was educated by the teachers and scholars of the royal family of Pharaoh and, were the Name known, he would have been informed of it.
Well before of the birth of Moses the Egyptians, as well as other societies, were attempting to record spoken language with the use of materials to preserve ideas in a permanent form. The earliest records of these attempts are considered to be the etchings on cave walls, but the Egyptians had advanced well beyond those primitive efforts.
The word hieroglyph comes from the Greek adjective (hieroglyphikos), a compound of (hierós ‘sacred’) and (glýphō ‘\: carve, engrave’; see glyph) essentially ‘sacred carving’, in turn a loan translation of Egyptian mdw•w-nṯr (medu-netjer) ‘god’s words.’
The Second Dynasty of ancient Egypt (notated Dynasty II) is often combined with Dynasty I under the group title Early Dynastic Period. It dates approximately from 2890 to 2686 BC. In the era of the Old Kingdom, the Middle Kingdom and the New Kingdom, about 800 hieroglyphs existed. The first full sentence written in hieroglyphs, so far discovered was found on a seal impression found in the tomb of Seth-Peribsen at Umm el-Qa’ab, which dates from the Second Dynasty.
The Egyptian hieroglyphic script contained 24 uniliterals (symbols that stood for single consonants, much like letters in English). It would have been possible to write all Egyptian words in the manner of these signs, but the Egyptians never did so and never simplified their complex writing into a true alphabet.
In the latest chronology it is Khaneferre Sobekhotep IV who was the Pharaoh at the time of Moses’ birth (he began his reign about 1529 BC). Somehow over these many hundreds of years, the concept of the possibility of this simplification never occurred, and it was Dudimose who was Pharaoh at the time of the Exodus of Moses beginning his reign somewhere between 1457 and 1444 BC. Hieroglyphics remained the Egyptians’ only manner of writing and their number of symbols would continue to grow to over 5,000 making general literacy pragmatically impossible.
Within the lifetime of Dudimose, Moses gained knowledge of the Name of God and would succeed in writing it down. While leading a flock along the side of the wilderness he came to Horeb, the mountain of God. There the angel of God appeared to him in the flame of a burning bush and told him that He was sending him to Pharaoh so that he could bring Israel out of Egypt.
As recorded in Exodus Moses said to God, ‘If I go to the Israelites and tell them that the God of their forefathers has sent me to them, and they ask me His name, what shall I say?’
God answered, ‘A E I O U that is who I am. Tell them that A E I has sent you to them.’ And God said further, ‘You must tell the Israelites this that it is A E I O U, the God of their forefathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob, who has sent you to them. This is my name for ever; this is my title in every generation.’ God spoke to Moses and said, ‘I am A E I. I appeared to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as El Shaddai. But I did not let myself be known to them by my name A E I.”
When Moses attempted to pronounce A E I ’s name he realized that due to his condition which was described as a harelip, he was not able to do so correctly. He said, ‘Allah, I have never been a man of ready speech, never in my life, not even now that thou hast spoken to me. I am slow and hesitant of speech.’
A E I said to him, ‘Who is it that gives a man speech? Who makes him dumb or deaf? Who makes him clear-sighted or blind? Is it not I, A E I ? Go now; I will help your speech and tell you what to say.’ But Moses still protested, ‘No, Lord, send whom thou will.’
At this, A E I grew angry with Moses and said, ‘Have you not a brother, Aaron the Levite? He, I know, will do all the speaking. He is already on his way out to meet you, and he will be glad indeed to see you. You shall speak to him and put the words in his mouth; I will help both of you to speak and tell you both what to do. He will do all the speaking to the people for you, he will be the mouthpiece, and you will be the god he speaks for.’
After this, Moses with Aaron, came to Pharaoh and said, ‘These are the words of Allah, the god of Israel: “Let My people go so that they may keep my pilgrim feast in the wilderness.”
‘Who is Allah?’ asked Pharaoh, ‘that I should obey Him and let Israel go? I care nothing for Allah, and I tell you I will not let Israel go.’ None of the Egyptians including Pharaoh had ever heard of any god by this name before.
Moses repeated these words to the Israelites, but they did not listen to him; they had become impatient because of their cruel slavery. Then A E I spoke to Moses and said, ‘Go tell Pharaoh king of Egypt to set the Israelites free to leave his country.’ Moses made answer in the presence of A E I , ‘If the Israelites do not listen to me, how will Pharaoh listen to such a halting speaker as I am?’
Thus A E I spoke to Moses and Aaron and gave them their commission to the Israelites and to Pharaoh, namely that they should bring the Israelites out of Egypt.
Then A E I said to Moses, ‘One last plague I will bring upon Pharaoh and Egypt. After that he will let you go.’
Moses then said, ‘These are the words of Allah: “At midnight I will go out among the Egyptians. Every first born creature in the land of Egypt shall die : the first born of Pharaoh who sits on his throne, the first born of the slave girl at the hand mill, and all the first born of the cattle. All Egypt will send up a great cry of anguish, a cry the like of which has never been heard before, nor ever will be again. But among all Israel not a dog’s tongue shall be so much as scratched, no man or beast be hurt.” ‘Thus you shall know that Allah makes a distinction between Egypt and Israel. Then all these courtiers of yours will come down to me, prostrate themselves and cry, “Go away, you and all the people who follow at your heels.” After that I will go away.’
Moses summoned all the elders of Israel and said to them, ‘God at once and get sheep for your families and slaughter the Passover. Then take a bunch of marjoram, dip it in the blood in the basin and smear some blood on the lintel and the two door posts. Allah will go through Egypt and strike it, but when he sees the blood on the lintel and the two door posts, He will pass over that door and will not let the destroyer enter your houses to strike you.’
The people bowed down and prostrated themselves. The Israelites went and did all the A E I had commanded Moses and Aaron; and by midnight A E I had struck down every first born from Pharaoh on his throne to the first born of the captive in the dungeon, and the first born of cattle. Before night was over Pharaoh rose, he and all his courtiers and all the Egyptians, and a great cry of anguish went up, because not a house in Egypt was without its dead. Pharaoh summoned Moses and Aaron while it was still dark and said, ‘Up with you. Be off and leave my people, you and your Israelites. Go and worship Allah as you ask.’ Due to the universal catastrophe, all of the Egyptian survivors became aware of the name Allah as Moses had declared.
In the third month after Israel had left Egypt, they came to the wilderness of Sinai. Then He said to Moses, ‘Come up to AEI, you and Aaron, Nadab and Abihu and seventy of the elders of Israel. While you are still at a distance, you are to bow down; and then Moses shall approach A E I by himself, but not the others.’
A E I said to Moses, ‘Come up to me on the mountain, stay there and let me give you the tablets of stone, the law and the commandment, which I have written down that you may teach them.’ Moses arose with Joshua his assistant and went up the mountain of God; he said to the elders, ‘Wait for us here until we come back to you. You have Aaron and Hur; if anyone has a dispute, let him go to them’. So Moses went up the mountain and a cloud covered the mountain for six days; on the seventh day He called to Moses out of the cloud. The glory of A E I looked to the Israelites like a devouring fire on the mountain top. Moses entered the cloud and went up the mountain; there stayed forty days and forty nights.
When He had finished speaking with Moses on Mount Sinai, A E I gave him the two tablets of the Tokens, tablets of stone written with the finger of God. But A E I said to Moses, ‘Go down at once, for your people, the people you brought up from Egypt, have done a disgraceful thing; so quickly have they turned aside form the way I commanded them. They have made themselves an image of a bull calf, they have prostrated themselves before it, sacrificed to it and said, “These are your gods, O Israel, that brought you up from Egypt.”’
Moses turned and went down the mountain with the two tablets of the Tokens in his hands, inscribed on both sides, front and back. The tablets were the handiwork of God and the writing was God’s writing, engraved on the tablets.
Joshua, hearing the uproar the people were making, said to Moses, ‘Listen. There is fighting in the camp.’
Moses replied, ‘This is not the clamor of warriors, nor the clamor of a defeated people. It is the sound of singing that I hear.’
As he approached the camp, Moses saw the bull calf and the dancing, and he was angry; he flung the tablets down, and they were shattered to pieces at the foot of the mountain. In little more than an instant the key to a functional alphabet and the evidence of the disclosure of the Name of A E I O U was reduced to worthless stones.
A E I spoke to Moses: ‘Come, go up from here, you and the people you have brought up from Egypt, to the land which I swore to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob that I would give to their prosperity. I will bring you to a land flowing with milk and honey, but I will not journey in your company, for fear that I annihilate you on the way, for you are a stubborn people.’
Moses used to take a tent and pitch it at a distance outside the camp. When Moses entered it, the pillar of cloud came down, and stayed at the entrance to the tent while  A E I spoke with Moses. As soon as the people saw the pillar of cloud standing at the entrance to the tent, they would all prostrate themselves, every man at the entrance of his tent.
A E I said, ‘Here is a place beside me. Take your stand on the rock and when my glory passes by, I will put you in a crevice of the rock and cover you with my hand until I have passed by. Then I will take away my hand, and you shall see my back, but my face shall not be seen.’
A E I said to Moses, ‘Cut two stone tablets like the first, and I will write on the tablets the words which were on the first tablets, which you broke in pieces. Then in the morning go up Mount Sinai; and stand and wait for me there on the top.’ So Moses cut two stone  tablets like the first,  and he rose  early in the  morning  and went up Mount Sinai as    A E I had commanded, taking the two stone tablets in his hands. And A E I came down in the cloud and took his place beside him and pronounced the name A E I.   Moses made haste, bowed to the ground and prostrated himself.
A E I said, ‘Here and now I make a covenant. You shall not prostrate yourselves to any other god. For A E I O U the name of a jealous god, and He is a jealous god. Write these words down, because the covenant I make with you and with Israel is in these words.’ So Moses stayed there with A E I forty days and forty nights, neither eating nor drinking, and wrote down Ten Commands, on the tablets. At length Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two stone tablets in his hands and restored the evidence of a fully functional alphabet and conveyed the eternal key by which mankind could open the door of literacy and impart the skill of reading and writing to the entire human race.
By the time the Israelites were allowed out of the wilderness about forty years later, the new generation possessed the gift of literacy and had become the ‘People of the Book.’ The Egyptians would be left waiting till the time of Christ thousands of years later for a functional alphabet
Most of the Jews refused to interact with the people of the region but gradually dialog occurred to the extent that the Phoenicians adopted the full alphabet from the people of the book along with the missing key which continued to evade Egyptian society. In fact ultimately it was the Phoenicians who were given most of the credit for developing the concept of the alphabet which allowed infinite creation of words using vowels, the essence of God’s name.
The Egyptians had only been exposed to the pronunciation Allah as expressed to them publicly by Moses and the calamity associated with the introduction of Allah secured its use and memory until the present day. The pronunciation ‘IAH’ and the vowel representation of ‘a e i o u’ was conveyed and explained by Aaron and the Levites but only to the Jews. So the Egyptian culture stagnated while the Israelites came to possess the first book in history and of course the only one at that time using phonetics, thereby earning the title ‘People of the Book.’
There is no indisputable evidence to suggest exactly when and why the Jews determined that they would not convey God’s name. The writer of Psalms in Chapter 8 begins by stating, ‘O, A E I our sovereign how glorious is Thy name in all the earth. Thy majesty is praised high as the heavens. Out of the mouth of babes, of infants at the breast Thou hast fashioned praise for Thyself,’ and here confirms the prophets now knew how A E I had secured praise beyond the knowledge of the angels who wondered about mankind’s creation.
It had been written that, ‘Thou shall not possess the name of A E I your God in vain. A E I will not leave unpunished he who exposes His name to abuse.’ It is a certainty, however, that they did omit all of the vowels from all their scripts replacing those vowels with apostrophes, dashes, or nothing at all. Eventually the Jews began to regard writing down the name of God or even any element of it not only as a possible offense to God but more importantly as an offense to their priestly position. By the time Solomon’s Temple was complete the Jewish priests were able to restrict the mention of God’s Name to a member of their class and to only a single time each year. Estimates indicate King Solomon’s Temple was constructed a bit less than 1,000 years before the life of the Messiah.
Nevertheless, many Jewish families had already begun to incorporate the name of God into their daily life by giving their children names such as Jeremiah and Nehemiah and many of the Jewish prophets were named with the same technique. These various names continue to be found commonly everywhere today.
All the while the Phoenicians, as they traveled by sea, slowly exported knowledge of the full alphabet including the vowels to their clients at the various distant ports of the Mediterranean Sea. There is no evidence that these sailors had any particular interest in the name of God, they merely desired the advantages of written communication and literacy began to take hold.
Ultimately, the Greeks borrowed the Phoenician alphabet and adapted it to their own language. The letters of the Greek alphabet are the same as those of the Phoenician alphabet, and both alphabets are arranged in the same order. Several varieties of the Greek alphabet developed. One, known as Western Greek or Chalcidian, is found west of Athens and in southern Italy. The other variation, known as Eastern Greek, was used in present-day Turkey and by the Athenians, and eventually the rest of the world, that spoke Greek, adopted this variation. At first imitating the Phoenicians who wrote as did the Jews from right to left, the Greeks eventually chose to write from left to right and this version is the source for all the modern scripts of Europe.
During the life of Nebuchadnezzar who reigned 605 BC – 562 BC the Jews were dispersed into Egypt and in chapter 44, the prophet Jeremiah declared, ‘These are the words of A E I the God of Israel, “I have sworn by my great name, says A E I, that my name shall never again be on the lips of Judah; they shall no longer swear in Egypt, ‘As A E I lives.’”
Nearly another six hundred years would go by until the last prophet, Yahushua, son of Mary, was sent to the Jews. By this time the larger Jewish society was in a state of near complete decay. Aramaic was the predominant spoken language while both Hebrew and Greek were used by the literate people inhabiting the region.
Once again there was nowhere on earth where the name of A E I was sanctified. Before his ascension, however, the Messiah is quoted as saying in John 17, ‘I have made Thy name known to the men whom Thou hast given me out of the world. They were thine and Thou gavest them to me, and they have obeyed Thy command. . . Although the world does not know Thee, I know Thee, and these men know that Thou didst send me. I made Thy name known to them, and will make it known.’
Although the literacy rate among Jews was the highest on earth, none of the other societies showed evidence of a rate of literacy for men much above 25 per cent. It may be that the percent for women would have been roughly a quarter of that. Recorded history for the masses is considered essentially to have begun during the lifetime of Yahushua. From that point literacy was promoted slowly and the process advanced although the Chinese notably continue to attempt to relay on a vast mosaic of symbols which has not yet been replaced.
Before he left the Messiah also stated, ‘I tell you the truth; it is for your good that I am leaving you. If I do not go, your Advocate will not come, whereas if I go, I will send him to you. When he comes, he will confute the world, and show where wrong and right and judgment lie. There is still much that I could say to you, but the burden would be too great for you now. However, when he comes who is the Essence of truth, he will guide you into all the truth; for he will not speak on his own authority, but will tell only what he hears; and will make known to you the things that are coming.’
So with the passage of yet another six hundred years the final conversation from God to mankind began with the words to Muhammad, ‘Recite in the name of your Lord who created, created man from globules. Recite! Your Lord is the Most Bountiful One, who by the pen taught man what he did not know.’
Here then is the start of the guide to all the truth, beginning with the reminder of the creation of the Stone Tablets written by A E I himself conveying His name which for the previous billions of years had left the angels in awe. ‘This is my name for ever; this is my title in every generation.’ A E I O U akbar.

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How to Greet 2 Billion People and Why

While there may be today more antagonism and disputes than ever before in human history there is a single unifying greeting that is known by speakers of almost every language on earth. In English, the meaning of the arabic phrase ‘Assalamu alaikum’ is ‘peace be to you’ and is recognized by nearly all members of the muslim faith as well as their relatives who may practice another religion. Today the number of muslims slightly exceed two billion and with the exception of the very young nearly all recognize and use the term.
This phrase was recorded and preserved first by oral tradition and it was noted at least by the time of the patriarch, Abraham, considered the forefather of three major religions – Judaism, Christianity and Islam. In sura Hud of the Koran, it is disclosed that, ‘Our messengers came to Abraham with good news. They said, ‘Peace.’ ‘Peace,’ he answered, and hastened to bring them a roasted calf. But when he saw their hands being withheld from it, he mistrusted them and was afraid of them. They said, ‘Have no fear. We are sent forth to the people of Lot.’ And when fear left him, . . Abraham pleaded with Us for the people of Lot. Abraham was gracious, tender-hearted, and devout.’
And many centuries later when a dispute arose between the Jews of the day and the Messiah, it is recorded in the book of John, he recalled the example of Abraham and said, “If you were Abraham’s children, then you would do the things Abraham did.” Not long thereafter when, ‘his disciples were together behind locked doors, for fear of the Jews, he came and stood among them. ‘Peace be to you!’ he said . . . ‘A week later his disciples were again in the room, and Thomas was with them. Although the doors were locked, Y’shua came and stood among them, saying, ‘Peace be with you.’
Yet another 600 years would go by until the final Prophet would be inspired to offer a simple additional instruction, ‘Make the greeting of peace common among you.’ Following this brief command, his followers and some of their acquaintances have made it a common daily greeting, spoken around the world millions of times a day. He also added, ‘Make your response equivalent or better,’ so the reply, ‘Alaikum assalam,’ to you be peace echoes countless times around the world otherwise too often threatened by war.

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Jozèf : Nan non Allah ak konpasyon a, Mercl a

Alif Lam Ra sa yo se vèrse yo ki nan Liv la ki fè bagay sa yo klè. Vreman vre, Nou gen devwale sa a Koran nan arab ke ou ka konprann li. Nan revelasyon nou sa a respite nou la a, Nou revele ba ou pi bon nan narasyon, menm si jouk jòdi a ou te nan mitan inyorans la.

Lè Jozèf di papa l ‘,’, papa m ‘, tout bon, mwen te gen yon vizyon nan onz zetwal ak solèy la ak lalin lan. M te wè yo prostrating tèt yo devan m ‘.’

Li te di, ‘, pitit gason m’ yo, di pa gen anyen la bay frè ou nan vizyon ou, paske yo elabore yon plan kont ou. Vreman vre, Satan se ouvètman yon lènmi sou nonm. Se konsa, Seyè a pral chwazi ou menm ak va bay ou enstriksyon entèprete siy ak pafè favè l ‘pou ou ak pou pitit pitit Jakòb House la jan li bon nèt li pou zansèt ou a Abraram ak Izarak ou anvan ou. Vreman vre, Seyè a se konnen ak gen bon konprann. ‘Sètènman nan Jozèf ak frè l’ yo se siy pou bezwen pale an.

Lè yo di ‘,’ Se vre wi Jozèf ak frè l ‘yo yo chèr bay papa nou an pase nou, menm si nou se yon branch fanmi. Vreman vre, papa nou se klè konfonn. ‘

‘Touye Jozèf oswa jete l’ aletranje, e Lè sa a, papa nou favè a ap tout pou nou, epi apre sa nou tout nou va yon gwoup relijyeu. ‘

Nan mitan yo, yon moun di ‘,’ pa touye Jozèf, olye jete desann avè l ‘anba a nan yon pi dekouvri, si ou dwe fè yon bagay. Per chans kèk karavàn pral jwenn li. ‘

Yo t’ap di: ‘,’, papa nou, poukisa ou ta pa mete konfyans nou ak Joseph. Vreman vre, nou se pi bon zanmi l ‘yo. Voye l ‘avèk nou demen konsa ke li te pouvwa jwi tèt li ak jwe, epi tout bon n ap gad palè l’ byen. ‘

Li te di, ‘Vreman vre, mwen menm ezite gen l’ ale koupe avèk ou, epi mwen pè yon bèt nan bwa ta ka devore l ‘pandan ou pa bliye l’. ‘

Yo t’ap di: ‘,’ Si yon bèt nan bwa devore l ‘te kapab si nou yon foul moun, Lè sa a, nou ta dwe siman dwe perdants.’

Se konsa, lè mesye yo ale koupe ak l ‘, li te dakò ke yo ta jete l’ desann nan fon an nan yon pi dekouvri, Nou vize l ‘,’ Ou pral fè yo sonje zafè sa a la leur yo lè yo ap febli yo rekonèt ou. ‘

Tearfully yo te vin bay papa yo nan lè solèy kouche. Yo t’ap di: ‘,’, papa nou, nou te ale nan kous, kite Jozèf ak machandiz nou yo ak bèt nan bwa ap touye l ‘, menm si ou pa kwè ke pouvwa nou, menm si nou pale verite an.’ Ś Yo te mennen chemiz li gen fo san sou li.

Li te di, ‘Non, nanm ou a gen vin tante l’ ou nan zafè sa a. Sublime pasyans ak Allah, ki gen èd ki t’ap chache konsole m ‘pouvwa nan sa ou reklamasyon.’

Ak yon kolonn pase sou wout la epi yo voye ti gason dlo yo, e lè li te desann bokit l ‘li te di,’ bòn chans, isit la se yon ti gason. ‘Apre sa, yo kache l’ tankou yon richès, ak Allah vin konnen sa yo te fè. Apre sa, yo vann li pou yon sòm piti, yon moso kèk ki fèt an ajan, epi yo pran swen pa gen anyen pou l ‘.

Lè moun peyi Lejip la ki te achte l ‘di madanm li’, ‘Fè rete l’ yo konfòtab. Petèt li pwal pwouve ke itil nan nou, oubyen nou pouvwa adopte l ‘tankou li yon pitit gason.’ Se konsa, Nou bay sekirite nan peyi sa a, nou ta ka anseye l ‘ka esplike nou rèv evènman yo. Ak Allah Worcester evènman yo, menm si pi moun pa konnen anyen nan li. Antan l ‘rive maturité Nou mitan l’ ak konesans ak bon konprann. Se konsa, Nou rekonpanse mache dwat devan Bondye la.

Apre sa, li, nan kay ki gen regardant li, mande yon zak engratitid nan men l ‘. Li fèmen pòt yo, li di: Vini non. ‘

Li te di, ‘M’ ap chache sekirite nan Allah. Vreman vre, yo gen Seyè mwen an trete m ‘dous. Enjust pa janm mache byen. ‘Apre sa, li sètènman vle l’ epi li ta te anvi li te li pa te montre siy evidan nan men Seyè l ‘yo. Se konsa, Nou warded koupe nan men l ‘mal ak endesans. Vreman vre, li te youn nan sèvitè fidèl nou an.

Antan yo te kouri chak lòt nan pòt la li chire chemiz li nan dèyè yo te rankontre ak mari l ‘nan pòt la. Li te di, ‘Kisa yo fè ak yon moun ki plan mechanste ak madanm ou, eksepte prizon oswa yon pinisyon grav?’

Li te di, ‘Li te li ki te mande m’ nan yon bagay scandales. ‘Men, yon pa-stander nan men fanmi l poukont li te di,’ Si se chemiz li dechire soti nan devan la li se pale verite a ak li se youn nan ka fè pesonn konfyans yo. Men, si se chemiz li dechire soti nan dèyè li se rakonte yon kouche ak li se youn nan veridik. ‘

Se konsa, lè li te wè chemiz li chire soti nan dèyè li te di, ‘Vreman vre, sa a se atizan konn fè fanm yo. Vreman vre, yo twonpe ou gen gwo pouvwa. ‘

‘O, Jozèf, mete sa a dèyè ou. Epi ou, mande padon pou peche nou an. Vreman vre, ou se youn nan koupab la. ‘

Medam yo ki nan lavil la te di, ‘madanm majistra a se chèche esklav li bay konsantman yo pou li. Li te sètènman kaptive l ‘ak renmen. Nou siman wè l evidamman abuze. ‘

Lè li tande pale de lang Coy yo li ofri yo envitasyon epi prepare pou yo yon kouto, li di: Vini non soti nan nou. ‘Men, lè yo wè l’ yo te kòm endispoze e li te koupe men yo di, ‘pèrfèksion se Allah la. Sa a se pa gen okenn mòtèl. Isit la se pa gen anyen men yon zanj pitye. ‘

Li te di, ‘Sa a se youn nan moun ki te koze ridikil ou. Mwen vle l ‘nan sede fè m’, men te Abstinans chwa l ‘yo. Men, si li pa pral fè menm bagay mwen òf, li menm ki pral sètènman yon prizon epi li dwe sètènman gen pou fèt nan wont. ‘

Li te di, ‘Seyè m’ yo, tèt li ta dwe prizon pi bon pase sa yo sijere. San yo pa pwoteksyon ou an soti nan plan yo m’ap pouvwa sede anba tantasyon yo epi yo vin tounen youn nan pèdi an. ‘Se konsa, Seyè l’ tande lapriyè l ‘, li wont rapid yo atake l’ sou. Vreman vre, Li se oditeur la, Knower la.

E menm apre yo te wè prèv la li te sanble rezonab yo pou yo mete nan prizon l ‘pou kèk tan. Ak de jenn gason te ale nan prizon ansanm avè l ‘. Youn nan yo di li: Mwen reve mwen te prezève diven. ‘Men, yon lòt lan te di,’ mwen reve ke tèt mwen ki te fèt pen ki soti nan ki zwezo yo te manje. Revele entèpretasyon a ban nou pou nou wè ou se youn ak pwomès Bondye. ‘

Li te di, ‘manje a pwochen ke yo ba ou pa dwe rive jouk apre mwen fin deklare entèpretasyon la anvan li ka rive. , Se konsa li konesans la gen Seyè mwen an te moutre m ‘. Vreman vre, Mwen rejte relijyon an moun ki pa kwè nan Allah ak refize apre sa a, epi mwen swiv relijyon an nan zansèt mwen, Abraram, Izarak, ak Jakòb. Nou okouran pa janm asosye anyen ak Allah yo, gras a gen pitye Allah a sitèlman sou nou, ak nan mitan limanite, men pifò moun bay pa gen mèsi. ‘

‘Prizonye de prizon m’ yo, ‘Èske bondye miltip pi bon pase One a, Allah, Tout moun-Mighty a? Moun sa yo ki moun ou envoke san konte l ‘yo se non sèlman ou gen envante, ou menm ak zansèt ou yo. Allah te òdone pa gen okenn otorite yo bay yo. Jijman an repoz ak Allah yo poukont yo. Li te jije ke ou adore pa men l ‘. Sa se konfyans tout bon an, men pifò moun pa konnen li.

‘Prizonye de mwen parèy, menm jan pou yonn nan nou, li pral sèvi diven mèt li yo bwè, ak jan pou lòt la, li va kloure sou kwa yo ak zwazo yo yo pral manje nan men l’. Sa a se rezilta a òdone konsènan ki sa ou mande. ‘Apre sa, li di nan yon sèl la li te konnen yo dwe libere nan pè a’, ‘Sonje m’ nan prezans, wa la. ‘Men, Satan te lakòz l’ bliye mansyone l ‘nan mèt li, konsa Jeremi te rete nan prizon pou kèk ane.

Apre sa, wa a te di, ‘Vreman vre, mwen te gen yon vizyon nan sèt bèl vach gra yo te boule nan sèt moun mèg yo ak nan sèt zòrèy vèt nan jaden ble ak lòt moun sèk. Manyè di m ‘, konseye m’ yo, sa vle di nan rèv mwen an si ou ka dechifre rèv. ‘

Yo t’ap di: ‘,’ rèv gaye tou. Anplis nou pa vèrs nan rèv la nan rèv. ‘

Li te pran depi pè a, yon sèl la ki te libere vin chonje apre tout ane sa yo, li di: Mwen kapab detèmine siyifikasyon li, se konsa pèmèt mwen kite. ‘

‘Jozèf, moun ki gen verite a, pou soutenir ban nou konsènan sèt vach t’ap angrese boule nan sèt moun mèg ak sèt zòrèy vèt nan jaden ble ak lòt moun sèk, pou m’ pouvwa retounen nan foul moun yo, epi fè li li te ye. ‘

Li te di, ‘Ou dwe plante pou sèt ane konsekitif, men ki sa ou rekòlte an va kite nan zòrèy la eksepte pou ti kras a ki pral disparèt tout ke ou te sove nan preparasyon pou yo, eksepte pou yon ti kras ki di ou gen ki estoke. Lè sa a, apre ke gen va vini nan yon ane, lè pèp la va gen lapli sa yo ke yo va laprès rezen an. ‘

Apre sa, wa a te di, ‘Pote l’ ban mwen. ‘

Se konsa, lè kèk mesaje bò kote l ‘yo pwoche bò kote li te di,’ Go to mèt ou a epi mande l ‘sou dosye a nan fanm yo yo ki te koupe men yo. Vreman vre, mèt mwen konnen atizan konn fè yo. ‘

Li te di, ‘Ki sa ki te rive lè ou t’ap chache pran tèt Jozèf?’

Yo t’ap di: ‘,’ pèrfèksion se Allah la. Nou konnen ki pa gen peche sou pati l ‘yo.’

Madanm nan majistra a te di, ‘Kounye a se verite a li te ye. Mwen te mande nan men l ‘yon zak engratitid, e se li ki klè yon sèl la veridik.’

‘From sa a li pouvwa pou yo rasire ke ke mwen te pa janm an kachèt douteu. Menm si m ‘menm, mwen pa pi wo pase anba tantasyon, tout bon, nanm a se tendans sa ki mal, men Seyè mwen an gen pitye confer. Vreman vre, Seyè mwen an se padon, gen bon kè. ‘

Apre sa, wa a te di, ‘Pote l’ ban mwen, jan mwen mande pou pouvwa yon domestik pèsonèl yo. ‘Apre yo te fin li fin di avè l’ li te di, ‘Vreman vre, ou kanpe jodi a nan prezans nou yo kòm youn onorab ak fidèl yo.’

Li te di, ‘Nome m’ sou grenye yo ki nan peyi sa a. Vreman vre, mwen menm akonpli nan bon konprann. ‘

Se konsa, Nou te bay otorite yo bay Jozèf nan tout peyi a. Li responsab tou sa l ‘te chwazi yo. Nou achte Mercy nou yo sou moun ki ta Nou tanpri, ak Nou pa gaspié rekonpans yo nan mache dwat devan Bondye la. Pi bon yo se rekonpans yo nan apre sa a pou moun ki kwè yo ansanm ak yo se konsyans.

Frè Jozèf yo rive, yo prezante tèt yo devan l ‘, e li te konnen yo menm si yo pa t’ rekonèt li. Lè l ‘fin bay yo avèk dispozisyon li te di,’ Pote m ‘, frè ou nan men papa ou yo. Èske ou pa wè ke mwen bay tout mezire epi pou se mwen menm ki pi bon an gen tout pouvwa a? Men, si ou chwazi pou ou pa fè l ‘ou pa gen Allotment nan men m’, epi ou pa gen okenn pouvwa odyans. ‘

Yo t’ap di: ‘,’ Nou pral òf papa nou li kapab akonpli demann sa a pou l ‘. Sa a nou pral siman fè. ‘

Li di domestik li ‘,’ Mete pyès monnen yo nan sak yo, konsa yo va jwenn li ankò yo lè yo retounen nan fanmi yo ak Lè sa a, tounen ankò. ‘

Lè yo tounen tounen yo, papa yo, yo di: ‘,’, papa nou, Alokasyon pou Kou pou yo refize ba w plis sof si nou retounen ak yon ti frè nou an pou mande pou alokasyon an. Nou pral siman gad palè l ‘byen.’

Li te di, ‘mwen ka fè konfyans ou avè l’ pa plis pase m ‘fè konfyans ou ak frè l’ yo anvan. Men, Allah se gadyen legal la pi byen, e se li ki pi plis pase nenpòt ki gen bon kè pitye. ‘

Men, lè yo louvri bagay yo yo te jwenn pyès monnen yo tounen tounen yo yo. Yo t’ap di: ‘,’ Ki sa nou manke. Isit la yo se pyès monnen nou retounen li ban nou. Nou pral achte dispozisyon pou fanmi nou yo ak gad ki san danje, frè nou yo e nou va jwenn yon alokasyon adisyonèl pou yon chamo. Sa a va pi fasil yo vin genyen. ‘

Li te di, ‘Mwen pa vle voye l’ avèk ou jiskaske ou pwomès pase yon kontra nan non Allah a ke ou pral mennen l ‘tounen fè m’ sof si ou se anprizone. ‘Men, lè yo te deklare l’ pase kontra yo, li te di, ‘Allah a temwen an de sa nou di. ‘Apre sa, li di:’, ‘pitit gason m’ yo, pa ale nan pa yon pòtay yon sèl, men ale nan nan pòtay apa. Mwen pa ka pwoteje tèt ou ak nan zafè ki gen Allah. Vreman vre, detèminasyon an se pou kont li Allah la. Nan li mwen gen konfyans nan Bondye, ak nan li kite tout fidèl yo mete konfyans yo. ‘

Men, lè yo antre nan jan papa yo te di, konsèy li ta gen prevalu yo pa gen anyen yo te li nan akwochaj ak dekrè a an ‘Allah. Li te gen krentif pou men yon nan nanm Jakòb la ki li assuaged, ak tout bon, li te yon font nan konesans paske Nou te gen te ba l ‘bon konprann, men pifò gason yo inyorans.

Men, lè yo antre nan devan Jozèf, li pran, frè l ‘sou kote li di yo:-Se mwen menm, frè ou, konsa pa dwe konsène pa sa yo fè.’

Lè l ‘bay yo ak dispozisyon li mete yon tas bwè nan pake frè l’ yo ‘. Lè sa a, yon tanbou rele ‘,’ Vwayajè, se ou ki vrèman vòlè. ‘

Yo vire, li pran rele ‘,’ Kisa ou pèdi a? ‘

Yo t’ap di: ‘,’ tas, wa a se ki disparèt. ‘

‘Si yon moun dékouvr li va gen chaje yon chamo sou li, e mwen responsab pou l’.

Yo t’ap di: ‘,’ Pa Allah, ou konnen pou asire w nou pa t ‘vini nan lakòz lapenn nan peyi sa a, e nou pa vòlè.’

Yo t’ap di: ‘,’ Men, si se pwouve ou se bay manti, sa ki pral sanksyon ki ta dwe ye? ‘

Yo t’ap di: ‘,’ penalite a pou li va li menm li nan pake ki gen li se te jwenn yo. Se konsa, nou pini mechan. ‘

Se konsa, li te kòmanse ak sak yo ak lè li rive kote sak, frè li a li te pote l soti nan afè l ‘yo. Se konsa nou sa nou te entèvni sou non Jozèf la. Li pa te kapab gen mete reklamasyon yo, frè l ‘dapre lalwa wa a sof si Allah antete otreman. By degre Nou leve moun ki va Nou tanpri ak tout moun anwo a ki rive konesans gen yon sèl nan tout-konnen.

Yo t’ap di: ‘,’ Si li te fè ou vòlò, gen yon frè nan l ‘te vòlè anvan an.’

Men, Jozèf te kenbe sekrè nan kè l ‘la ak devwale pa gen anyen nan men yo. Li te panse, ‘Ou se nan yon eta regrèt, ak Allah byen konnen sa nou afime.’

Yo t’ap di: ‘,’ Grace ou pou ou, li gen yon papa ki se kounye a ki gen laj, se konsa kenbe youn nan nou olye pou yo l ‘. Vreman vre, nou wè ou se youn nan ki pi pitye. ‘

Li te di, ‘Allah padon ke nou ta dwe kenbe nenpòt ki men l’ ki moun ki te jwenn ak pwopriyete nou an, pou Lè sa a, nou ta siman dwe enjis. ‘

Se konsa, lè espwa pou konvenk l ‘te pèdi, y’ al apa konvès an prive. Sak pi gran an nan yo te di, ‘èske w pa sonje ki jan papa ou aksepte kontra ou nan non Allah a, epi ki jan ou te kraze pwomès ou sa pibliye depi lontan sou Jozèf. Se poutèt sa, mwen pa yo ap sòti nan kote sa a jiskaske papa m ‘bay pèmisyon oswa jijman Allah a se pi pre m’. Li se pi bon nan jije nou. Retounen nan papa ou ak di, “, papa nou, tout bon, li te pitit gason ou lan komèt yon vòl. Nou pa ka temwaye pi lwen pase sa nou konnen, epi nou pa t ‘kapab prepare pou enprevi la. Inquire nan vil la kote nou te, ak nan mitan karavàn lan nan ki nou vwayaje. Vreman vre, nou pale sa a verite a. “‘

Li te di, ‘Non, lespri ou a gen aksepte prèv la nan valè nominal. Sublime pasyans. Per chans Allah a ap mennen yo tout ansanm pou mwen. Vreman vre, pou kont li Li te konnen epi konprann. ‘Apre sa, li te vire do ba yo, li di: Ki jan pou mwen manke fè sa Jozèf,’ ak je l ‘yo vin tou blan ak chagren an li te fè nan.

Yo t’ap di: ‘,’ Pa Allah, yo pral ou pa janm sispann rete sou Jozèf jiskaske sante ou pèdi oswa ou se ak kadav la. ‘

Li te di, ‘Mwen pataje doulè mwen ak lapenn sèlman ak Allah, ak soti nan Allah mwen konnen ki sa ou pa konnen li. Ale non, pitit gason m ‘, epi mande enfòmasyon sou Jozèf ak frè l’ yo. Epi ou pa fè defye pridans nan Allah. Vreman vre, yo yonn, men enkonveti kesyon pridans Allah la.

Men, lè yo te vin anvan l ‘yo di:’, ‘Grace nou, nou gen kalamite tonbe sou nou ak fanmi nou yo ak nou pote ti kras lajan, men nou sibvansyon kèk mezire epi pou si ou se charitab yo ban nou lè sa a, tout bon, Allah rekonpans charitab la.’

Li te di, ‘èske w rekonèt sa ou te fè Jozèf ak frè l’ yo nan inyorans ou. ‘

Yo t’ap di: ‘,’ Èske ou se vrèman Jozèf? ‘

Li te di, ‘mwen menm Jozèf ak sa a se frè m’ lan. Allah ki te pitye yo ban nou. Vreman vre, yo bay moun yo ki yo se konsyans ak pasyan an, siman Allah pa gaspié rekonpans yo nan mache dwat devan Bondye la. ‘

Yo t’ap di: ‘,’ Pa Allah, se vre wi Allah te chwazi ou vin chèf sou nou ak sètènman nou te moun k’ap fè peche yo. ‘

Li te di, ‘Okenn va regle ou jodi an. Me Allah padonnen nou. Li se pi gen kè sansib la gen kè sansib la. Pran chemiz m ‘, mete l’ sou figi papa m ‘. Li pral kapab wè, lè sa a vin jwenn mwen ansanm ak tout moun ou yo. ‘

Men, lè karavàn lan kite papa yo te di, ‘Mwen ka siman santi prezans nan fanmi Jozèf la, si ou panse ke m’ pouvwa deregle. ‘

Yo t’ap di: ‘,’ Pa Allah ou gen tout bon glise nan alisinasyon fin vye granmoun ou yo. ‘

Lè sa a, lè gad la nan bon nouvèl te vin li mete l ‘sou figi l’, li te vizyon li restore. Li te di, ‘Eske mwen pa t di nou sa: mwen konnen soti nan Allah ki sa ou pa konnen li.’

Yo t’ap di: ‘,’, papa nou, mande padon pou peche nou yo pou nou, tout bon, nou te moun k’ap fè peche. ‘

Li te di, ‘Mwen pral chache yon padon pou nou depi, Mèt mwen, tout bon, Li se padon, Mercl a la.’

Lè yo Lè sa a, te vin anvan Jozèf, li fè yo mennen paran li kote l ‘, li di: antre nan peyi Lejip ak sekirite, si Allah testaman.’

Antan l ‘yo ak paran yo l’ pwoche bò fòtèy la yo tonbe fas atè devan l ‘vit ak li te di,’, papa m ‘, isit la se reyalite a nan vizyon pi bonè m’ yo. Gen Seyè mwen pote l ‘yo dwe, ak kalite Li te fè m’ lè m ‘te libere Li soti nan prizon epi yo mennen ou soti nan dezè a apre Satan te gen dezakò ant simen m’ ak frè m ‘. Vreman vre, Seyè mwen an, gen kè sansib ki moun li vle. Li se konnen ak gen bon konprann.

‘: Mèt mwen, Ou gen akòde m’ pouvwa ak te moutre m ‘rèv la vle pwofesi – Kreyatè a nan syèl la ak latè. Ou se gadyen legal mwen nan mond sa-a ak nan apre sa la. Kite m ‘yo mouri tankou yon Mizilman ak ini m’ ak mache dwat devan Bondye la. ‘

Sa a revelasyon ki Nou revele ou konsène sa ki te kache. Ou pa t ‘nan prezans yo lè yo envante zafè yo epi yo mete plan yo. Ak pi moun pral pa gen okenn konfyans nan Bondye, malgre tout efò ou. Lè w ap chèche pa gen okenn pri nan men yo pou sa. Li se pa gen anyen lòt, men yon rapèl bay tout moun. Ak konbyen mèvèy toujou nan syèl la ak latè a, yo pase pa yo ak peye yo pa gen okenn atansyon.

Ak pi fò nan yo pa pral kwè nan Allah san yo pa atribue lòt moun. Èske sa a ba yo sekirite nan fè fas a kòlè Bondye Allah a oswa Horn Seyè a ap pwoche ki va rive toudenkou pandan ke yo ap inyorans. Di ‘,’ Sa se yon fason m ‘yo. Mwen rele sou Allah ak sètitid tankou fè moun ki swiv mwen. Lwanj pou Allah, ak mwen menm mwen pa youn nan moun k’ap sèvi zidòl yo. ‘

, Epi anvan ou gen sèlman Nou voye kèk moun soti nan mitan pèp la nan vil yo ak revelasyon nou an. Fè yo pa janm vwayaje nan tout peyi a ak wè sa ki te nan fen moun ki devan yo? Epi sètènman lakay yo nan apre sa a se pi bon pou konsyans la. Eske ou pa kounye a konprann?

Men, lè kèk mesaje bò kote yo epi yo te lespwar konvenki ke yo te voye jete a, ede nou te rive e yo te moun ki kontan Nou delivre. Ak kòlè Bondye nou an pa janm evite nan men moun ki koupab. Sètènman, nan istwa yo se yon leson pou moun reflechi.

Sa a se pa gen okenn istwa pote, men yon konfimasyon nan sa ki anvan li, yon eksplikasyon klè sou bagay sa yo, gid yo ak yon yon benediksyon ak moun yo ki te kwè.

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Joseph: My Translation English; Sura 12


In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

Alif Lam Ra     These are the verses of the Book that makes things clear.  Indeed, We have revealed this Koran in Arabic that you could understand.  In Our revelation of this recitation to you, We reveal to you the best of narratives, though until now you were among the unaware.

When Joseph said to his father, ‘My father, indeed, I had a vision of eleven stars and the sun and the moon.  I saw them prostrating themselves before me.’

He said, ‘My son, say nothing to your brothers of your vision, lest they devise a plan against you.  Indeed, Satan is openly an enemy of man.  Thus your Lord will choose you and will instruct you to interpret signs and perfect His favor to you and the House of Jacob as He perfected it for your forefathers Abraham and Isaac before you.  Indeed, your Lord is knowing and wise.’  Certainly in Joseph and his brothers are signs for the inquiring.

When they said, ‘Surely Joseph and his brothers are dearer to our father than we, though we are a clan.   Indeed, our father is clearly confused.’

‘Kill Joseph or cast him abroad, and then our father’s favor will be all for us, and after that we shall be a pious group.’

From among them, one said, ‘Do not kill Joseph, rather toss him down to the bottom of a pit, if you must do something.  Per chance some caravan will find him.’

They said, ‘Our father, why would you not trust us with Joseph.  Indeed, we are his best friends.  Send him with us tomorrow so that he may enjoy himself and play, and indeed we will guard him well.’

He said, ‘Indeed, I am reluctant to have him go off with you, and I fear a wolf could devour him while you pay him no mind.’

They said, ‘If a wolf could devour him though we are a crowd, then we should surely be losers.’

So when they went off with him and agreed that they would cast him down to the bottom of a pit, We conveyed to him, ‘You will remind them of this affair of theirs when they will fail to recognize you.’

Tearfully they came to their father at dusk.  They said, ‘Our father, we went off racing, leaving Joseph with our goods and the wolf devoured him, though you may not believe us, even though we speak the truth.’  And they brought his shirt having false blood on it.

He said, ‘No, your souls have tempted you in this affair.  Sublime patience and Allah, whose help is sought may comfort me in what you claim.’

And a caravan passed by and they sent out their water boy, and when he let down his bucket he said, ‘Good luck, here is a boy.’  And they hid him as a treasure, and Allah knew what they did.  And they sold him for a small sum, a few pieces of silver, and they cared nothing for him.

And the Egyptian who bought him said to his wife, ‘Make his stay comfortable.  Perhaps he will prove useful to us, or we may adopt him as a son.’  Thus We provided security in that land, that We might teach him to interpret events.  And Allah orchestrates the events, though most men know nothing of it.  And as he reached maturity We bestowed him with wisdom and knowledge.  Thus do We reward the righteous.

And she, in whose house he stared, requested a disgraceful act from him.  She secured the doors and said, ‘Come.’

He said, ‘I seek the safety of Allah.  Indeed, my Lord has treated me kindly.  Wrongdoers never prosper.’  And she certainly desired him and he would have desired her had he not been shown obvious signs from his Lord.  Thus We warded off from him evil and indecency.  Indeed, he was one of our faithful servants.

And as they raced each other to the door she tore his shirt from behind and they met her husband at the door.  She said, ‘What is done with one who plans wickedness with your wife, except prison or a severe punishment?’

He said, ‘It was she who asked of me a scandalous thing.’  And a by-stander from her own family said, ‘If his shirt is torn from the front she is speaking the truth and he is one of the liars.  And if his shirt is torn from behind she is telling a lie and he is the truthful one.’

So when he saw his shirt torn from behind he said, ‘Indeed, this is the cunning of women.  Indeed, your deceit is great.’

‘O, Joseph, put this behind you.  And you, ask forgiveness for your sin.  Indeed, you are one of the guilty.’

And the women in the city said, ‘The magistrate’s wife is seeking her slave to consent to her.  He has certainly captivated her with love.  We surely see her obviously deluded.’

And when she heard of their coy languages she offered them invitations and prepared for them a knife and said, ‘Come out to us.’  And when they saw him they were stunned and cut their hands saying, ‘Perfection is Allah’s.  This is no mortal.  Here is nothing but a gracious angel.’

She said, ‘This is the one who has caused your ridicule.  I desired him to yield to me, but abstinence was his choice.  Yet if he will not do as I bid, he shall certainly be imprisoned and shall certainly be held in shame.’

He said, ‘My Lord, prison itself would be better than what they suggest.  Without Your protection from their schemes I may yield to their temptation and become one of the lost.’   So his Lord heard his prayer and confounded their schemes against him.  Indeed, He is the Hearer, the Knower.

And even after they had seen the evidence it seemed reasonable to them to imprison him for some time.   And two young men went to prison with him.  One of them said, ‘I dreamed I was preserving wine.’  And the other said, ‘I dreamed that my head held bread from which the birds were eating.  Reveal the interpretation to us for we see you are one with potential.’

He said, ‘The next meal that you are given shall not arrive till after I declare the interpretation before it can come to pass.  Such is the knowledge my Lord has taught me.  Indeed, I reject the religion of people who do not believe in Allah and deny the hereafter, and I follow the religion of my forefathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.  We are aware never to associate anything with Allah, thanks to Allah’s mercy bestowed on us and among mankind, but most men give no thanks.’

‘My two prison inmates, ‘Are multiple gods better than the One, Allah, the All-Mighty?  Those whom you invoke besides Him are mere names you have coined, you and your forefathers.  Allah has ordained no authority to them.  The judgment rests with Allah alone.  He has deemed that you worship none but Him.  That is the true faith, but most men do not know it.

‘My two fellow inmates, as for one of you, he shall serve his lord wine to drink, and as for the other, he shall be crucified and the birds will eat from his hand.  This is the ordained outcome regarding what you inquired.’   And he said to the one he knew to be freed of the pair, ‘Remember me in the presence of the king.’  But Satan caused him to forget to mention him to his lord, so he remained in prison for some years.

And the king said, ‘Indeed, I had a vision of seven fattened cows being consumed by seven lean ones and of seven green ears of corn with others dry.  Tell me, my counselors, the meaning of my dream if you can decipher dreams. ‘

They said, ‘Random dreams.  Besides we are not trained in the interpretation of dreams.’

And after all these years the one who was freed from the pair, remembered  and said, ‘I can discover its meaning, so allow me to depart.’

‘Joseph, man of truth, expound for us regarding seven fattened cows consumed by seven lean ones and seven green ears of corn with others dry, so that I may return to the people and make it known.’

He said, ‘You must sow for seven consecutive years, but what you reap shall leave in the ear except for the little which will consume all that you have saved in preparation for them, except for a little that you have stored.  Then after that there shall come a year when the people shall have rain so that they shall press the grape.’

And the king said, ‘Bring him to me.’

So when the messengers came to him he said, ‘Go to your lord and ask him about the case of the women who cut their hands.  Indeed, my lord knows their cunning.’

He said, ‘What occurred when you sought to entice Joseph?’

They said, ‘Perfection is Allah’s.  We know of no guilt on his part.’

The wife of the magistrate said, ‘Now the truth is known.  I asked from him a disgraceful act, and he is clearly the truthful one.’

‘From this he may be assured that I was never secretly untrustworthy.  Though I am not above temptation, indeed, the soul is prone to evil, yet my Lord bestows mercy.  Indeed, my Lord is forgiving, merciful.’

And the king said, ‘Bring him to me, as I may require a personal servant.’  And after he had spoken with him he said, ‘Indeed, you stand today in our presence as one honorable and faithful.’

He said, ‘Appoint me over the granaries in this land.  Indeed, I excel  in prudence.’

Thus We gave authority to Joseph through the land.  He oversaw whatever he chose.  We bestow Our Mercy on whosoever We please, and We do not squander the rewards of the righteous.  Better are the rewards of the hereafter for those who believe and are conscientious.

And Joseph’s brothers came and presented themselves before him, and he knew them though they did not recognize him.  And when he had provided them with provisions he said, ‘Bring to me your brother from your father.  Do you not see that I give full measure and that I am the best of hosts?  But if you choose not to bring him you shall have no allotment from me, and you may have no audience.’

They said, ‘We will bid our father to fulfill this request for him.  This we will surely do.’

He said to his servants, ‘Put their coins in their bags, so they will find it when they return to their family and then come back again.’

When they returned to their father they said, ‘Our father, further allotments are denied unless we return with our brother to request the allotment.  We will surely guard him well.’

He said, ‘I can trust you with him no more than I trusted you with his brother before.  But Allah is the best Guardian, and He is more merciful than any who show mercy.’

And when they opened their belongings they found their coins returned to them.  They said, ‘What do we lack.  Here are our coins returned to us.  We shall purchase provisions for our families and safe guard our brother and we shall get an additional allotment for one camel.  This shall be easy to acquire.’

He said, ‘I will not send him with you until you promise a covenant in Allah’s name that you will bring him back to me unless you are entrapped.’  And when they declared to him their covenant, he said, ‘Allah is the witness of what we say.’  And he said, ‘My sons, do not go in by a single gate, but go in through separate gates.  I cannot protect you in matters with Allah.  Indeed, the determination is Allah’s alone.  In Him I have faith, and in Him let all the faithful put their trust.’

And when they entered as their father had bidden, his counsel would have availed them nothing were it at odds with the decree of ‘Allah.  It was but a fear in Jacob’s soul which he assuaged, and indeed, he was a fount of knowledge because We had granted him wisdom, but most men are unaware.

And when they went in before Joseph, he took his brother aside saying, ‘I am your brother, so do not be concerned by what they do.’

And when he provided them with provisions he placed a drinking cup in his brothers’ pack.  Then a crier called out, ‘Travelers, you are truly thieves.’

They turned and cried, ‘What have you lost?’

They said, ‘The king’s cup is missing.’

‘Whoever uncovers it shall have a camel’s load, and I am accountable for it.’

They said, ‘By Allah, you know for sure we did not come to cause grief in this land, and we are not thieves.’

They said, ‘But if it is proven you are lying, what shall the penalty be?’

They said, ‘The penalty for it shall be he himself in whose pack it is found.  Thus do we punish evildoers.’

So he began with their sacks and when he came to his brother’s bag he brought it out from his belongings.  Thus did we intervene on Joseph’s behalf.  He could not have laid claim to his brother by the king’s law unless Allah willed otherwise.  By degrees We raise whoever We please and above everyone who attains knowledge there is the One all-knowing.

They said, ‘If he did steal, a brother of his stole before.’

But Joseph kept the secret in his heart and revealed nothing to them.  He thought, ‘You are in a sorry state, and Allah well knows what you assert.’

They said, ‘Your Grace, he has a father who is now aged, so retain one of us instead of him.  Indeed, we see you are one of the most gracious.’

He said, ‘Allah forbid that We should restrain any but him who was found with our property, for then we would surely be unjust.’

So when hope of persuading him was lost, they went aside to converse in private.  The eldest of them said, ‘Do you not remember how your father accepted your covenant in Allah’s name, and how you broke your promise long ago concerning Joseph.  Therefore, I will not depart from this place until my father grants permission or Allah’s judgment is closer to me.  He is the best of judges.  Return to your father and say, “Our father, indeed, your son has committed a theft.  We cannot testify beyond what we know, and we could not prepare for the unforeseen.  Inquire in the town where we were and among the caravan in which we traveled.  Indeed, we speak the truth.”’

He said, ‘No, your minds have accepted the evidence at face value.  Sublime patience.  Per chance Allah will bring them all together for me.  Indeed, He alone knows and understands.’  And he turned away from them and said, ‘How I miss that Joseph,’ and his eyes turned white with the grief he held within.

They said, ‘By Allah, will you never cease to dwell on Joseph until your health is ruined or you are with the dead.’

He said, ‘I share my pain and sorrow only with Allah, and from Allah I know what you know not.  Go, my sons, and inquire about Joseph and his brother.  And do not distrust the prudence of Allah.  Indeed, none but unbelievers question Allah’s prudence.

And when they came before him they said, ‘Our Grace, calamities have befallen us and our family and we have brought little money, but grant us some measure and if you are charitable to us then, indeed, Allah rewards the charitable.’

He said, ‘Do you acknowledge what you did to Joseph and his brother in your ignorance.’

They said, ‘Are you truly Joseph?’

He said, ‘I am Joseph and this is my brother.  Allah has been gracious to us.  Indeed, to those who are conscientious and patient, surely Allah does not squander the rewards of the righteous.’

They said, ‘By Allah, truly Allah has chosen you over us and certainly we were the sinners.’

He said, ‘None shall rebuke you today.  May Allah forgive you. He is the most merciful of the merciful.  Take my shirt and place it on my father’s face.  He will be able to see, then come to me with all your people.’

And when the caravan departed their father said, ‘I can surely feel the presence of Joseph, though you may think me deranged.’

They said, ‘By Allah you have indeed slipped into your old delusions.’

Then, when the bearer of good news came he laid it on his face and his vision was restored.  He said, ‘Did I not tell you that I know from Allah what you know not.’

They said, ‘Our father, ask forgiveness of our sins for us, indeed, we have been sinners.’

He said, ‘I will seek forgiveness for you from my Lord, indeed, He is the Forgiving, the Merciful.’

When they then came before Joseph, he brought his parents to him and said, ‘Enter into Egypt and security, if Allah wills.’

And as he and his parents approached the throne they fell soon prostrate before him and he said, ‘My father, here is the reality of my earlier vision.  My Lord has brought it to be, and He was kind to me when He freed me from prison and brought you from the desert after Satan had sown discord between me and my brothers.  Indeed, my Lord is merciful to whom He pleases.  He is knowing and wise.

‘My Lord, You have granted me power and taught me the interpretation of prophecies – the Creator of the heavens and earth.  You are my Guardian in this world and in the hereafter.  Allow me to die as a muslim and unite me with the righteous.’

This revelation which We reveal to you pertains to what was hidden.  You were not in their presence when they devised their affair and laid their plans.  And most men will have no faith, despite all you efforts.  And you seek no price from them for this.  It is nothing else but a reminder to all people.  And how many wonders in the heavens and the earth, they pass by and pay them no heed.

And most of them will not believe in Allah without ascribing others.  Does this give them security in the face of Allah’s wrath or the approaching Horn which shall come suddenly while they are unaware.  Say, ‘This is my way.  I call on Allah with certainty as do those who follow me.  Glory be to Allah, and I am not one of the idolaters.’

And before you We have only sent men from among the people of their town with Our revelations.  Have they never travelled through the land and seen what was the end of those before them?  And certainly their home in the hereafter is better for the conscientious.  Will you not now understand?

And when the messengers despaired and were convinced that they were rejected, Our help arrived and whosoever We pleased was delivered.  And Our wrath is never averted from the guilty people.   Certainly, in their history is a lesson for thoughtful men.

This is no contrived tale, but a confirmation of what is before it, a clear explanation of things, a guide and a blessing to the people who believe.

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Abraham’s Trial~conclusion

Early one morning Abraham took some food and a full water skin and gave them to Hagar. He set the child on her shoulder and sent her away and she wandered about in the wilderness. When the water in the skin was finished she placed the child under a bush and ran to a high vantage point. Ishmael cried out from where he had been laid and Hagar ran to another high point but found no sign of help. She passed seven times in all between the two points until coming to a stop she heard an angels voice, ‘What troubles you, Hagar? Fear not, God has heard the child crying where you laid him. Go; lift the child in you arms. I will make him a great nation.’ When she picked him up God opened her eyes and she saw a well full of water and filling the water-skin gave the child his drink.

When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to him and said, ‘I am El-Shaddai. This is my covenant with you; you are to be the father of many nations. Your name shall no longer be Abram but Abraham, for I shall make you father of many nations. As for Sarai your wife, you are not to call her Sarai but Sarah. I shall bless her and she will be the mother of nations.

Messengers came to Abraham with good news. They said, ‘Peace.’

‘Peace,’ he answered, and hastened to the herd to choose a tender calf. And when he observed they had not touched it, he lost trust and was afraid. They said, ‘Have no fear, our business is with the people of Lot,’ but they asked him the whereabouts of his wife Sarah. When he replied,  ‘She is in the tent,’ one of them said, ‘About this time next year I shall come back to you, and your wife Sarah will have a son.’

Sarah was listening at the tent opening and she laughed to herself saying, ‘How can I bear a child when I am old and my husband is well advanced in years? This is a strange thing indeed.’

They replied, ‘Do you marvel at the ways of God?  May God’s mercy and blessings be upon you, kind hosts.  Most worthy of praise is He and glorious.’

So when God had called to Abraham, he had replied, ‘Here I am,’ and God said, ‘Take the son whom you love with you out onto the land where you shall offer him as sacrifice on one of the heights I shall show you.’

Abraham had not replied. He had uttered no sound since hearing these words the previous day. Now he felt as the fatigue of his entire adult life had gathered and returned to this dark morning, pressing upon his chest. He stood and almost before he knew it had saddled his donkey and woken two of his men. He did not recall what he had said to them only moments ago. Perhaps the sound of splitting firewood he would use for the sacrifice had spoken for him. Sarah still slept but his son, always obedient had ventured through the dark and took his hand.

Abraham was fully aware of the direction he would take but had no instruction as to the distance or actual destination. They traveled an entire day at a leisurely pace, with the two men more often that not traveling behind them. So evening came and morning came and on this day death was avoided. The second day was much like the first. Occasionally Abraham would slow and allow his men to take the lead. They concluded he was finally exhibiting his age, but this was Abraham and most certainly that was not the case.  Abraham had traveled a life time and while lesser men might have worn down, he was well up to the task.

On the third day, when he looked up and still in the distance saw a shine he said to the men, ‘Remain here with the donkey, while I and the boy continue ahead where we will worship, and come back to you.’

Abraham took the wood for the event and put it on his son’s shoulder and as they continued on together he carried the fire and the knife.  The boy said, ‘We have the fire and the wood, but where is the sheep for the sacrifice?’  Abram answered, ‘God will provide for Himself the sacrifice, my son.’

The two of them went on together until they came to the place referred to by God.  Abraham had built the alter and while arranging the wood said, ‘My son, I dreamt I was sacrificing you.’

Neither bird nor breeze broke the silence until he continued, ‘Tell me what you think.’

He replied, ‘Father, follow your command. God willing, you shall find me obedient.’

So he bound his son and laid him on the altar on top of the wood. And when they had both submitted to God’s will, and Abraham had laid down his son prostrate upon his face reaching out for the knife to slay his son, the angel called to him from heaven, ‘Abraham, Abraham.’

‘I am here,’ he said.

The angel said, ‘Do not lift your hand against the boy. Do not touch him. You have fulfilled your vision.’

Abraham looked around, and in a thicket spied a ram caught by its horns so offered it as a sacrifice instead of his son. Death had been denied, yet the will of God fulfilled on this day.

Thus the Lord put Abraham to the proof by enjoining on him certain commandments and Abraham fulfilled them, so He said, ‘I have appointed you a leader of mankind.’

‘And what of my descendants?’ he asked.

‘My covenant,’ said He, ‘does not apply to the evil-doers. Make the place where Abraham stood a house of worship, for those who walk around it, who mediate in it, and who kneel and prostrate themselves.’

Abraham and Ishmael built the House and dedicated it, saying, ‘Accept this from us Lord.  You are the One that hears all and knows all. Lord, make us submissive to You; make among our descendants a nation that will submit to you.  Teach us our rites of worship and turn to us with mercy.  You are forgiving and merciful. Lord, send forth to them an apostle of their own who shall declare Your revelations, and instruct them in the Book and in wisdom and purify them of sin.  You are the Mighty, the Wise One.’

‘Lord,’ Abraham said, ‘make this a secure land. Preserve me and my descendants from the worship of idols. Lord, they have led many astray.  Whoever follows me shall become a brother, but even to those who turn against me, You are yet forgiving and merciful.

‘Lord, I have sheltered some of my offspring in a barren valley near your Sacred House so that they may observe true worship.  Bestow kindness in the hearts of men towards them, and provide them with the earth’s produce, so that all may give thanks. And bestow plenty upon its people, those of whom believe in God and the Last Day.

‘Lord, You have knowledge of all that we hide and all that we reveal, nothing on earth or in heaven is hidden from God. Praise be to God who has given me Ishmael and Isaac in my old age!  All prayers are heard by Him.

‘Lord make me and my descendants steadfast in prayer. Lord accept my prayer. Forgive me, Lord, and forgive my parents and all the faithful on the Day of Reckoning.’

The first temple ever to be built for mankind was that at Bekka, a blessed site, a beacon for the nations.  In it are veritable signs and the spot were Abraham stood. Whoever enters it is safe. Pilgrimage to the House is a duty to God for all who can make the journey.  When the site of the Sacred Mosque was prepared, We said, ‘Worship none besides Me.  Keep My House clean for those who walk around it, and for those who stand or kneel in worship. Exhort all men to make the pilgrimage.  They will come to you on foot and on the backs of camels from all distant corners. Let the pilgrims spruce themselves, make their vows, and circle the House.  Such is God’s commandment.  What is of your herds are useful to you in many ways until the time of the slaughter.  Then they are offered for sacrifice at the Ancient House, and when they have fallen to the ground eat, and feed the grateful beggar and the insistent suppliant.

After they all returned, Abraham remained there with Sarah who lived to be a hundred and twenty-six years old.  He purchased a cave on land suitable for burial and buried Sarah there. Abraham married another wife Keturah and had children with her. Abraham lived to be a hundred and seventy-five years old and at his death Ishmael and Isaac buried him in the cave he had acquired with Sarah.

Who but a foolish man would ignore the faith of Abraham?  Chosen in this world and in the world to come, he shall abide among the righteous. When his Lord said to him: Submit,’ he answered, ‘I have submitted to the Lord of the Worlds.’ Well done, noble prophet, well done.

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The Genesis of Religion

Religion was initialized not long after the creation of the universe began. As written in the Koran, ‘Turning to the sky, which was yet a cloud of vapor, He said to it and to the earth, “Come forth willingly, or by compulsion?”
‘We come willingly,’ they answered. In two days He formed the sky into seven heavens, and to each heaven He assigned its task.’
Here is the first tenet of religion established by God, that of obedience and submission to His will, which is now referred to as Islam. Following submission of the creation itself, the angels entered into Islam and recently Islam has been opened for mankind since the creation of Adam. The Koran goes on to explain that, ‘The only true faith in God’s sight is Islam.’

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Stupid Cat

This is the story of a dog who lived the perfect life, except for one lousy cat. The cat would stay up most of the night and on his way home very early every morning would stroll past the dog’s house start a ruckous with an irritating sound, singing at the top of his pitchy voice. This was so irritating to the dog that he began to awake every day even before the cat arrived.
At the first sound from the cat’s voice, the dog would burst out of his house, race until the fence stopped him and bark until the cat traveled around the curve of the road. The dog would then return to his home heart racing and hungry for a meal to recover his energy. By now the sun was up, breakfast soon over and the dog with nothing to do but begin his days journeys. One morning the dog angrily woke up as he always did and waited for the noise from the cat to begin. This morning not a sound was heard. The cat had finally found another way home, the morning remained silent and after the sun rose the dog understood there would be no lousy cat with his lousy singing to ruin his otherwise perfect life. The next day, out of habit, the dog again awoke, but the noise of the cat was never heard. The day after that the dog was finally able to sleep in, have a late breakfast and continue a perfect life. The following day after getting up, he had little appetite so skipped breakfast and decided his daily errands could wait. The next day the dog’s neighbors noticed that he did not begin his errands and he was never seen on his journeys again.

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