1. How do you open the desktop Internet Explorer?
Click Internet Explorer on the desktop
2. What results when you search for Internet Explorer at the Start Screen?
The search returns only the TileWorld
Internet Explorer version
3. How can you pin the Desktop Internet Explorer to the Start screen?
At the desktop open Windows Explorer, /
Computer, / Program Files, / Internet
Explorer window. / from menu r.Click
iexplore.exe, / Pin to Start
4. After the desktop Internet Explorer is Pinned to Start how do you
search for it?
In Start type iexplore
5. How can Internet Explorer use Google as the search engine?
Begin a search by typing something into the
address/ search bar, / when autocomplete
suggestions appear, / click Add button
at the lower right corner, / from menu
click Google search icon, / click Add to
Internet Explorer, / select both
‘Make this my default search provider’ and
‘Use search suggestions from this
provider’ if desired, ‘ click Add
6. How can the first item in the list of search suggestions be selected?
Press Shift + Enter to open the site at the
top of list
7. How can you view a list of favorites and recently visited web sites?
Press F4
8. How do you insure that you are viewing the current active version of the web site?
Click the Refresh button which is the
counter-clockwise circle arrow at the right
end of the address bar
9. How do you switch from the tab of one web site to the tab of the next?
Press Ctrl+Tab
10. How do you create a blank page as the home page?
Press Alt if needed to view Tools, /
Internet Options, / General, /
In ‘To create home page tabs’ box type
about:blank click OK
11. How do you manage and set up a Home tab?
Open the page you want as the home page, /
r.Click Home icon, / choose
Add or change home page, /
Make desired selection, / Yes
12. How do you Zoom In or Out?
On the touchscreen spread two fingers out or
pinch in OR on the keyboard Ctrl + and Ctrl –
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