- How do you create a HomeGroup in TileWorld?
In an Administrator account Open Charms, / Settings, / select
‘Change PC settings, / Network, /HomeGroup, / if error ”To help
keep your stuff safe, sharing . . is turned OFF’ select on page
‘Connections’, / click your network, /at top turn ON ‘Find devices
and content, / return to HomeGroup pane, / click Create, / turn
on switches desired, / note password at the bottom, / go to
second PC, In an Administrator account Open Charms, /
Settings, / select ‘Change PC settings, / Network, / HomeGroup
enter password, / Join, / slide the bars of folders as desired.
Repeat for additional computes as desired.
- How do you create a HomeGroup from Desktop?
Open any Explorer Window, / in Ribbon, / Share, / click
‘Create or join a homegroup’, / click ‘Create a homegroup ‘, / Next, / specific folders to share, / Next, / NOTE password
for future use. To change password open main HomeGroup
screen , / click ‘Change the password’, / authenticate if
required, / enter a password of at least 8 characters
- How do you share other folders?
Open the Explorer window that its in, / on Ribbon, / select Share
/ select to share
- How do you remove the computer from the HomeGroup and end sharing?
In an Administrator account Open Charms, / Settings, / select
‘Change PC settings, / Network, / HomeGroup, / click Create, /
Click Leave
- How do you share a file or folder disk on your PC?
In an Explorer window, open the window containing the
Resource to share, / in Ribbon, / select Share tab, / choose the
names of people to share OR click ‘Specific people to open
‘Choose people to share with’ dialog box, choose the person’s
name from the menu, / click Add, / ‘Create a new user’ if
required, / click a name in the list, / click the down arrow in
Permissions Level column, / choose permissions, / click Share, /
Click e-mail or copy, / Done
- How do you share a disk?
r.Click the disk to share, / choose ‘Share with’, / ‘Advanced
Sharing’, / authenticate if required, / turn on ‘Share this folder’
/ . If a folder r.Click to share, / choose Properties, / click Sharing
, / click Advanced Sharing, / authenticate if required, / turn on
‘Share this folder’. Indicate preferred options.
- How do you hide a folder so that it is not seen on the Network?
at the end of the folder name type $; for example :
Users\Summer\Document becomes Users\Summer\Document$
Review these final steps to complete Chapter 14.