Is that your final Decision?

Lets imagine a young kid begins to hear something about God from his parents, in this
case at a little before the time he’s six years old. As it turns out he takes to it and
generally likes most of what he learns and forthe most part enjoys the activies and
expectations of his religion. It becomes a pattern of sorts in his life and habits, rituals
and practices are established. He accepts the restrictions which are almost always a part
of any religious thought.
Someone else leads a different life hearing of God but viewing most of the what he hears as extraneous to the day to day significance of life. He can see little if any value in the intangible knowledge many claim they find through religion. Lets suppose that both grow through the number of decades a man has in his life each adhering to their beliefs.
In the first case the man may be recognized as exemplary, fulfilling many expectations accomplishing great works and honoring God. The second man appreciates life and rejoices that he is unemcumbered with the absurd minutia and restrictions of religion.
In the final chapters of their lives, the first begins to resent the sacrifices he has made and the time invested and begins to believe that, as time is running out, he has wasted opportunity that will never come again. He resolves to devote no further time to this religious endeavor and continues his life for the respect he has enjoyed by his peers.
The other man begins to have doubts to the relevance of his pursuits which he now sees as temporary. He considers that his life may have been in better balance with an acceptance of the existance of God. He views his short life through the perspective of the eternal life possessed by God and is in awe.
Both men are evaluated by the attitude they have embraced on the day of their death. Although in each case it took a lifetime to arrive at their true attitude, they arrived at the destination they were after. God views all past days as temporary but judges the final day as the determinate. Wherever you find yourself, with whatever rebuttals, bear all this in mind.

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